Bids & Proposals

Town of Jay - RFP - Whistle Stop Rail Trail Repair

Start Date: July 25, 2024
End Date: August 12, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-576-1414
More Information: Click Here

Town of Jay - Request for Proposals - Invitation to Bid

Whistle Stop Rail Trail Repair

The Town of Jay is seeking proposals to make permanent repairs to the Whistle Stop Rail Trail where storm washouts on June 29, 2023 impacted the trail and sewer main. The intended work will restore the facilities back to pre-disaster design, function and capacity within the existing footprint of the trail.

Bids are to be in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Rail Trail Repair” and are due by Thursday, August 8th at 2:00 PM at the Town Office, 340 Main Street, Jay, ME 04239 and will be opened at that time. At the Select Board meeting on Monday, August 12th at 6:00 bids will be reviewed and awarded either at the meeting or discussion of the bid award will continue and be announced. Bids submitted via email, fax, or any other way than in a sealed, marked envelope will not be accepted. The project shall be completed by October 31, 2024. Coordination with the Sewer Superintendent will be required.

Bidding contractors shall be regularly engaged in the construction trade. The successful contractor, and sub-contractors if any, shall provide proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 that names the Town of Jay as an additional insured and, if applicable, workers compensation insurance in the state statutory amount prior to commencement of work. The contractor shall guarantee all material and labor for one year from date of completion. Manufacturer’s warranties in excess of one year shall apply to all materials, as appropriate. The Town of Jay reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.  The successful contractor shall be selected based on the ability to fulfill the project as described for the cost deemed to be in the best interest of the Town.

Questions regarding the project may be directed to:

Mark Holt, Sewer Superintendent

340 Main Street

Jay, Maine 04239

(207) 576-1414


Specifications for Rail Trail Sewer Main and Access Trail Repair

Scope of Work and Estimated Quantities: Provide labor, materials, equipment and incidentals needed to make permanent repairs to the Whistle Stop Rail Trail where storm washouts on June 29, 2023 impacted the trail and sewer main. The intended work will restore the facilities back to pre-disaster design, function and capacity within the existing footprint of the trail. Best management practices for erosion control shall be used throughout the project. Work to be completed includes:

1) Repair the roof of an old granite culvert (40’ x 24” x 24”) that was damaged due to surface flooding water intrusion that overwhelmed the culvert and caused the granite stones to shift and misalign and damaged the foam insulation that runs above and below the sewer main pipe. Approximately 20 granite slabs form the top of the culvert and will be removed and reset as needed. Also, four pieces of Blue Board Insulation Foam, 8’ x 4’ x 2” will also need to be removed and replaced above and below the sewer main pipe. The sewer main will need to be bedded in ¾” stone down to the limit of excavation (estimated 6 cy).

2) Supply and replace a 24” x 40’ HDPE culvert that was overwhelmed by flooding causing material around the pipe to erode, damaging the pipe. This culvert is located above the Town’s sewer main pipe. Bedding material was also eroded around the sewer main pipe and will need to be restored as part of the culvert replacement. The sewer main will need to be bedded in ¾” stone down to the limit of excavation (estimated 10 cy). Four pieces of Blue Board Insulation Foam, 8’ x 4’ x 2” will also need to be replaced between the sewer main pipe and the culvert. (The removed culvert shall be taken to the Town of Jay Public Works Facility.)

3) Repair of intermittent wash outs caused by flooding that damaged the trail surface and base over approximately 2.58 miles of trail (estimated 2,018 cy of ¾” crushed gravel needed for surface repairs and an additional 125 cy of 2” minus crushed gravel for base repairs). ¾” gravel material shall be sourced from R.S. Pidacks, Livermore, ME. Rough grade material shall be placed and spread with a bulldozer or excavator with blade. Final grade material shall be placed with a grader and packed with a minimum 7 ton vibratory roller. Some areas of ditching will need to be cleaned out where materials were washed (estimated 150 cy). Material removed shall be taken to the Town of Jay Public Works Facility. Approximately 12 cross drain culverts may need to be flushed out as well. For mitigation of future damages 42 cy of 12-18” riprap will be added to five cross drains:

Cross Culvert #1: 44.52979 N, 70.23126 W (Station 81+00): 8 cy at outfall

Cross Culvert #2: 44.52741 N, 70.22986 W (Station 91+00): 4 cy at outfall

Cross Culvert #3: 44.52611 N, 70.22817 W (Station 97+30): 4 cy at outfall

Cross Culvert #4: 44.51697 N, 70.21533 W (Station 148+25): 4 cy at inlet & 4 cy at outfall

Cross Culvert #5: 44.51588 N, 70.21470 W (Station 152+50): 8 cy at inlet & 10 cy at outfall


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