
MMA Executive Committee

The Executive Committee was established in 1937 within the Association’s by-laws as the governing body of the Maine Municipal Association. The Committee is composed of 12 municipal officials who must either be an elected municipal officer (selectperson, councilor) or an appointed chief administrative officer (town or city manager). The Committee includes a president, immediate past president, vice president and nine Executive Committee members (serving three three-year staggered terms). Members are able to be re-elected to serve a second consecutive three-year term. Officers serve one-year terms in their respective positions.

The MMA Executive Committee generally meets monthly. The broad responsibilities include overall governance, establishing the mission and long-range planning, oversight over all fiscal matters, policy development, and representation of the organization with state and federal governments and business organizations. The Executive Committee is responsible for hiring and evaluating the executive director, who serves as the chief executive officer of the Maine Municipal Association.

MMA Strategic & Finance Committee

The Strategic & Finance Committee is a five-member subcommittee of the Executive Committee. The major responsibilities of the Committee include developing a recommended annual Association budget, including capital expenditures; funding policies and staffing requirements and reviewing various proposed elements of the Association’s business plan; identifying strategic initiatives and developing recommendations consistent with the Association’s budget and fiscal policies. As a purely advisory committee, the responsibilities and structure of the Strategic & Finance Committee may be changed by the Executive Committee.

MMA Workers Compensation Fund Board of Trustees

In 1978 the Association created a self-funded Workers Compensation program. State law, both then and now, requires that any fund established by employers for the purpose of meeting their obligations to provide workers’ compensation benefits be established and operated as a trust. The Indemnity Agreement and Declaration of Trust, which together form a contract between the members and the Board of Trustees, establishes and governs the Fund. The Executive Committee is the designated Board of Trustees.

The Workers Compensation Fund Board of Trustees generally meets two times per year and is typically held in conjunction with regular meetings of the Executive Committee. As the declared Trustee of the Workers Compensation Fund, the Executive Committee is empowered to exercise all authority necessary to manage and administer the Trust in accordance with the Indemnity Agreement, such as entering into contracts, incurring liabilities, holding and disposing of property, collecting contributions and assessments, investing proceeds, purchasing insurance and services, and adopting rules not inconsistent with the Fund Indemnity Agreement.

MMA Property & Casualty Pool Program Board of Directors

In 1987 the Association established a public self-funded property and casualty risk pool. Because of statutory requirements, the Executive Committee alone could not be named as the governing authority for the Pool. State law requires that a majority of the members of a board of directors of a public pool be officials from participating pool members and, further, that there must be two public members who are not currently serving as elected or appointed officials. For these reasons, the board of directors is composed of the Executive Committee, as the nucleus of the board, plus as many additional members as are necessary to meet the requirements of state law. The Board of Directors generally meets two times per year and typically meets in conjunction with regular meetings of the MMA Executive Committee. The powers and duties of the Board are prescribed by the Pool Contract Agreement and entail all the normal corporate and legal authorities necessary to manage and administer the Pool, similar to those exercised by the Workers Compensation Board of Trustees. 

To learn more about the nomination, petition and election process, click here.

For further information on the MMA and MMEHT Governance Structure, please contact Kelly Maines at [email protected] or by telephone at (207) 623-8428 X 2241.