Risk Management Services

Municipal Risk Management Is What We Do & All We Do

Maine Municipal Association’s Risk Management Services is a partnership of Maine municipalities and governmental entities that have joined together to create unparalleled coverage, services and support. The Risk Management Services team of dedicated professionals provide all underwriting, member services, claims and loss prevention services to program participants. The financial condition of the programs is excellent. Each program is managed individually and overseen by its own board of elected and appointed municipal officials. We take great pride that municipal risk management is what we do and all we do.

Our Programs

Property & Casualty Pool

This program provides members with a broad range of property and casualty coverages at favorable rates. Coverage is uniquely designed to provide public entities with the protection of the Maine Tort Claims Act immunities and limits of liability.

Workers' Compensation Fund

This is a group self-funded program designed to assist members in managing their workers compensation costs through effective claims management and loss prevention activities.

Unemployment Compensation Fund

A self-funded program that serves as a liaison between participants and the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation in the handling of unemployment claims.