Serve Strong

Take Charge of your
Well-Being 24/7 

ServeStrong is a web-based platform, accessible 24/7, that provides access to essential resources tailored for first responders and their family members.

Get Started with ServeStrong

“ This initiative illustrates the Association’s commitment to providing our members access to the tools necessary to help recruit, retain, and most importantly, support public safety employees who tend to the needs of our residents, business owners and visitors.” 
- Catherine Conlow, MMA Executive Director

Connect With Professionals Who Understand

View a brochure or learn more about the ServeStrong program below:

Upcoming Events

September 12, 2024 - ServeStrong Webinar: Trauma-Based Services for First Responders

On Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., MMA is hosting a free informational webinar regarding the recently implemented ServeStrong initiative. This program, which is offered to municipal associations by National League of Cities (NLC)-Risk Information Sharing Consortium, is designed to provide first responders and their families access to confidential, web-based, trauma-related behavioral services.

MMA Executive Director, Cathy Conlow will kick off the hour-long event, before Erin Peterson, NLC’s Senior Program Specialist, provides an overview of the program and resources available, as well as tips on how to navigate the website and access resources. Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust Director, Kristy Gould, will also be on hand to discuss how this program will interact with the medical plans offered by the trust.

Municipal officials interested in learning more about the initiative are invited to register below.

Register for the Webinar

Program Benefits & Features

100% Confidential

ServeStrong serves as a preventative program to combat rising PTSD among first responders.

Trauma-Based Telehealth Therapy for First Responders

First responders have access to resilience training and therapy for trauma-based mental health.

Professional Mental Health Assessments

The ServeStrong mental health assessment and the accompanying telehealth-therapy services are designed to work together to allow first responders to seek support for their most pressing challenges in a confidential environment.

Preventative Telehealth Therapy

The program provides resilience training and therapy for trauma-based mental health conditions, as well as immediate support

Trusted & Vetted Resources

First responders have access to numerous resources vetted by trusted providers who understand the unique mental health needs of first responders.

Additional Resources

First responders who are participants in a Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust medical plan can also access information about the following resources at

  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Mental Health First Aid Classes
  • Aspire365