
 The Maine Municipal Association (MMA) is a voluntary membership organization offering an array of professional services to municipalities and other local governmental entities in Maine. MMA is a non-profit, non-partisan organization governed by an Executive Committee elected from its member municipalities. Founded in 1936, MMA is one of 49 state municipal leagues that, together with the National League of Cities, are recognized at all governmental levels for providing valuable services, and advocating for collective municipal interests.

The Maine Municipal Association has a core belief that local government is a fundamental component of a democratic system of government. MMA is dedicated to assisting local governments, and the people who serve in local government, in meeting the needs of their citizens and serving as responsible partners in the intergovernmental system.

MMA’s services include advocacy, education and information, professional legal and personnel advisory services, and group insurance self-funded programs.

Municipal membership is open to any Maine city, town or plantation, including any entity treated as a municipality under Maine law. Municipal members are entitled to all services and eligible to participate in MMA voting and policy processes. The MMA Executive Committee establishes annual membership dues for Municipal members.

Associate Membership is open to any county, any quasi-municipal corporation, including but not limited to any utility district, school administrative unit, regional planning commission, or council of governments in the State of Maine, to any other entity that meets the definition of a “political subdivision” as defined by Maine law, and to any Maine non-profit corporation that is organized and operated solely to provide essential governmental functions or services that lessen the burden of government. Associate members are entitled to limited MMA services and to participate in MMA’s group insurance self-funded programs, if they meet each program’s own eligibility criteria, some dictated by state statute. The MMA Executive Committee establishes the annual membership dues for Associate members. 

Affiliate and Supporting Memberships

Affiliate Status is open to county and regional municipal associations and municipal professional organizations in the State of Maine whose purpose is to provide collaboration and specialized training for municipal officials serving in a particular role or region. The Executive Committee acts on requests for Affiliate status. Affiliates are entitled to limited benefits including contracting with MMA for administrative services. There are no annual fees for Affiliate status. The Executive Committee establishes policies relating to Affiliates. 

For Affiliate Group membership questions or information relating to contractual services with MMA, please contact the MMA Training & Affiliate Group Office at 1-800-452-8786.

MMA Supporting Memberships (formerly Patron Statusare open to citizens, students and professionals in private and public organizations and businesses that have an interest in local government. [Please note that state agencies and departments do not need to apply for a membership to receive benefits at reduced costs. MMA offers these reduced costs to foster collaborative efforts and information-sharing with other government entities that in turn benefit our member municipalities and the citizens of Maine.]

There are three Supporting Membership categories: Premier, Standard, and Individual with varying levels of benefits and annual fees. The Executive Committee establishes annual fees and all related policies. Please see the Supporting Membership Brochure & apply online.

Additional Information

To find out more information about membership, Affiliate or Supporting Membership opportunities and services available through the Maine Municipal Association , send an email or contact:

Kelly Maines
Executive Office Administrative Coordinator
Maine Municipal Association
(207) 623-8428 X 2241


Learn More About MMA:
MMA Year in Review
MMA Year in Review - 2023
Brochures & Applications

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Click here to become a Supporting Member.