Strategic & Business Plan

The Strategic & Business Plan and process are intended to provide the Maine Municipal Association with:

Focus and Vision – The Plan identifies the most important things the Maine Municipal Association can and should do. The Plan enables MMA to maintain a sharp focus both for the coming year as well as to outline MMA’s vision for the next three to five years and beyond. 
Fiscal and Programmatic Link – The Plan provides a linkage between strategic planning and financial and programmatic decisions to ensure MMA has the necessary resources and establishes clear priorities tied to our strategic direction. 
Guidelines for Evaluation – The Plan establishes criteria and provides a framework by which the Executive Committee, management and the membership can evaluate how we are doing as an organization. 

Adopted by the MMA Executive Committee

Strategic & Business Plan
Strategic & Business Plan › LR 3169 An Act to Require Public Safety Answering Point and Dispatch Center Reporting (002)
LR 3169 An Act to Require Public Safety Answering Point and Dispatch Center Reporting (002)

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