City of Bath - Cemetery Grounds Maintenance RFP
Start Date: March 12, 2025
End Date: March 25, 2025
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-443-8360
Email: [email protected]
More Information: Click Here
The City of Bath is accepting written proposals for the Parks and Recreation Department’s CEMETERY GROUNDS MAINTENANCE. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or in part and to waive any informality the City may determine necessary. The City also reserves to itself the exclusive right to accept any proposal when it is deemed by the City to be in its best interest. The City of Bath is governed by Title 1 M.R.S.A. § 401-410, otherwise known as the Freedom of Information Act, which considers bid specifications as public documents. In awarding any proposal, the City may consider, but not be limited to, any of the following factors: Bidder qualifications, price, experience, financial standing with the City, warranties, references, bonding, delivery date, and service of Bidder. Vendors/Contractors shall be current on all amounts due to the City of Bath prior to the City entering into any contract agreement.
Proposals will not receive consideration unless submitted in accordance with the following instructions to bidders. Please mark sealed envelopes plainly:
Questions regarding this Request for Bids should be directed to Steve Balboni, Director Parks & Recreation, at 207-443-8360. Please submit your proposal to the City of Bath by 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Proposals will be opened at 2:00 p.m. Proposals must be delivered to Steve Balboni, Director Parks & Recreation, 55 Front St, Bath, ME 04530 on or before the date and time appointed. No proposals will be accepted after the time and date listed above.
1. Bidders shall use the enclosed bid form for quotations. Whenever, in bid forms, an article is defined by using a trade name or catalog number, the term "or approved equal", if not inserted, shall be implied.
2. Submit a separate unit price for each item unless otherwise specified in the bid request. Award will be made on a basis of each item, or as a group, whichever is in the best interest of the City. Prices stated are to be "delivered to destination".
3. Bid proposals must be completed in full, in ink and must be signed by firm official. Bid proposal must be notarized prior to bid being sealed and will be disqualified if not notarized. Bids may be withdrawn prior to the time set for the official opening.
4. Bids will be opened publicly. Bidders or representatives may be present at bid opening.
5. Awards will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, considering the quality of the materials, date of delivery, cost which meets specification and is in the best interest to the City of Bath.
6. All transportation charges, including expense for freight, transfer express, mail, etc. shall be prepaid and be at the expense of the vendor unless otherwise specified in the bid.
7. The terms and cash discounts shall be specified. Time, in connection with discount offered, will be computed from date of delivery at destination after final inspection and acceptance or from date of correct invoice, whichever is later.
8. The City is exempt from payment of Federal Excise Taxes on the articles not for resale, Federal Transportation Tax on all shipments and Maine Sales Tax and Use Taxes. Please quote less these taxes. Upon application, exemption certificate will be furnished with the Purchase Order when required.
9. Time of delivery shall be stated. If time is of the essence, the earliest date may be a factor in the bid award.
10. Please state “CEMETERY GROUNDS MAINTENANCE BID 2025” on submitted, sealed envelope.
11. The City of Bath reserves the right to waive any formality and technicality in bids whichever is deemed best for the interest of the City of Bath.
12. The City of Bath may reduce the number of units purchased pursuant to overall prices.
13. Bidder will clearly outline all options that are included in the bid price.