Bids & Proposals

City of Hallowell - Project Management & Planning Consultant Services for Vaughan Brook Watershed-based Management Plan Development

Start Date: October 10, 2024
End Date: November 11, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: (207) 430-4403
More Information: Click Here

Project Management & Planning Consultant Services For Vaughan Brook Watershed-Based Management Plan Development

The City of Hallowell is requesting proposals from interested and qualified Consultants for Professional Planning Consultant Services to lead the development of a watershed-based management plan (WBMP). The City has been awarded a 604(b) grant under contract with Maine DEP to develop the Vaughan Brook Watershed-Based Management Plan. The main stem of Vaughan Brook is in the City of Hallowell and Town of Farmingdale. Sixty seven percent of the watershed is in the City of Hallowell, 29% is in the Town of Farmingdale, and 4% is located in the City of Augusta. Sixty-eight percent of the land area in the City of Hallowell is located within the Vaughan Brook Watershed.

Vaughan Brook is currently listed on the Maine DEP’s Nonpoint Source Priority (NPS) Watershed List as Threatened. It was added to DEP’s watch list in 2020. Based on monitoring results from the DEP’s Biomonitoring Unit, Vaughan Brook has failed to meet Class B water quality standards in recent years. The brook is a major component of Hallowell’s acreage, scenic beauty, and recreational assets. Protecting Vaughan Brook and its watershed was identified as a community priority in the City of Hallowell’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Strategies to meet this goal were also specified in the plan, including assessing, restoring, and protecting Vaughan Brook with the goal of removing it from the DEP NPS Priority Watersheds List as a threatened stream.

An Environmental Consultant will be hired by the City of Hallowell to manage the project and oversee all project tasks to completion. In addition to experience managing 604(b) grants, the firm must have experience in developing EPA's 9-element watershed-based plans, and specifically have experience with: water quality monitoring and analysis, watershed surveys, watershed modeling, GIS mapping, public outreach, and technical writing. The City will follow all applicable procurement procedures as outlined in the DEP’s NPS Grant Administrative Guidelines. 



The purpose of the project is to prepare a comprehensive WBMP with well-developed implementation strategies to effectively restore the water quality of Vaughan Brook over the next 10 years. Tasks outlined in the workplan (Attachment 1) and assigned to the Environmental Consultant may include but are not limited to:

  1. Serve as the consulting Project Manager to the City to oversee project progress, track grant expenses and match, submit reports (progress reports, final project report) and other deliverables, assist with preparation of subgrants, and keep the project on time and schedule.
  2. Prepare a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), help coordinate volunteer biomonitoring at multiple sites, perform nutrient sampling (TP & Ortho P), provide QA/QC of volunteer monitoring data, and help prepare future monitoring plan.
  3. Compile a water quality database, prepare a secondary data quality assurance table, and conduct a historical trend analysis and water quality memo.
  4. Conduct a land cover assessment and watershed modeling, complete nutrient load reduction estimates, and conduct an internal loading and management measures analysis.
  5. Coordinate and facilitate four Steering Committee meetings over the course of the two-year project period. Present project outcomes at a public forum, prepare two press releases and provide content for social media posts, partner newsletters, and the City’s website.
  6. Develop a draft and final watershed-based management plan including 10-year watershed action plan, future monitoring plan, and GIS watershed maps.
  7. Work closely with project partners including City of Hallowell, Hallowell Conservation Commission, Vaughan Woods & Historic Homestead, Kennebec Land Trust, Maine DEP, and the public to complete all project tasks as written in the work plan (Attachment 1).



To facilitate review, submissions should conform to the following format:

  1. Experience of the Firm: Provide a description of your firm’s prior experience and qualifications in developing and updating watershed-based/ management plans for impaired or threatened lakes or streams.  Also, please reference the experience of the firm in working with the State and EPA regulation and procedure, in particular those specified in the 319 program.
  2. Project Team (Key Staff): Identify the proposed Project Manager and key project team members and responsibilities.  Provide an itemized rate per hour for identified team.  Provide a brief resume for each person outlining their credential and experience.  Describe your team's experience working in the Central Maine region.
  3. References: Provide the name and contact information for at least three (3) references familiar with the quality of work by your team of similar nature as contained in the above Scope of Work. 
  4. Project Understanding: Provide your general understanding of the watershed, project, and issues regarding the identified project(s).  Identify any potential challenges or special concerns that may be encountered. 
  5. Other Supporting Data:  Include any other information you feel to be relevant to the selection of your firm or the makeup of the project team including sub-consultants.

The entire proposal shall not exceed thirty (30) pages; excluding the front and back covers, dividers, coversheet, table of contents, and letter of introduction.


The following criteria will be used in screening, ranking and selection of the successful firm:

  1. Qualifications of the Firm (20 points): Preference shall be given to those firms with experience in watershed management planning related to the scope of services.
  2. Qualifications of the Project Team (Key Staff) (30 points): Preference shall be given to those with key staff experience in items listed in the above scope of services and any familiarity with the region.
  3. Experience in Working with State and EPA Regulations and 319/604 Project Procedures (30 points): Preference shall be given to project teams whose personnel have a demonstrated working relationship with the State and EPA and possess a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations regarding watershed management planning, particularly impaired lakes. 
  4. Project Understanding (20 points):  Preference shall be given to those firms which have a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements and environment.


It is the intent of the City to appoint a committee to review proposals submitted and rank qualified firms.  All unsuccessful firms will be notified in writing no later than 10 days after selection of the Consultant.  The City reserves the right to reject any and all submissions to this RFP, request clarification, or waive informalities/technicalities, if it is deemed in the best interest of the project.  The City assumes no responsibility for costs incurred in responding to the RFP.

Finalizing a consultant contract based on a submitted proposal is contingent upon the City completing the written contract with Maine DEP for the 2024 NPS Grant for Watershed Based Planning award. Expected completion date is October 2024.

Submission of proposals and Contact Person

An electronic copy of completed proposal must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on Thursday, October 31, 2024 to:, with the subject line, Response to RFP- Vaughan Brook WBMP.


For questions related to the RFP, please contact:

Gary Lamb
City Manager, City of Hallowell
1 Winthrop Street
Hallowell, ME 04347
(207) 430-4403





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