Bids & Proposals

Clinton- Spring 2025 Paving

Start Date: February 10, 2025
End Date: March 06, 2025
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-426-8511
Email: [email protected]

Town of Clinton

27 Baker Street, Clinton, ME 04927

Phone: (207) 426-8511       Fax: (207) 426-8323

The Town of Clinton is seeking Bid Proposals for the following paving projects to be performed in the Spring of 2025. All work will be completed by June 30, 2025. The project totals 3.3 miles of pavement on the following roadways and roadways will be pre-marked:


True Rd, 2/10 miles

Horseback Rd, 2 miles

Goodridge Rd, 1.1 mile


MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING: There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room located at 27 baker Street on THURSDAY, March 6th at 9:00 a.m. to enable bidders to meet with Clinton’s Road Commissioner, Daniel Swain (426-8511) to discuss the paving project. Proposals will NOT be accepted from vendors not represented at the meeting.



Length: 900 ft- Width of Pavement: 18 feet.

Location: Beginning at Hinckley Rd and going 2/10 miles.

Material: Purchase 1/2” shim and place 12.5mm 1 ½” loose, compacted to 1” overlay hot mix asphalt material until over culvert then 2” inch base compacted and 1” inch of compacted surface.



Length:2 Miles- Width of Pavement: 21 feet.

Location: Beginning at house #149 and going 2 miles to past house #570

Material: Purchase 1/2” shim and place 12.5mm 1 ½” loose, compacted to 1” overlay hot mix asphalt material.



Length:1.1 miles- Width of Pavement: 20 feet.

Location: Entire Length; Beginning at Intersection with Hill rd and going to Intersection with Battleridge road.

Material: Purchase 1/2” shim and place 12.5mm 1 1/2” compacted to 1” overlay hot mix asphalt material.






  1. The successful bidder will provide a valid insurance certificate before starting work on the project and provide evidence satisfactory to the Town of Clinton that it and its subcontractors, if any, have secured public liability, automobile and workers’ compensation insurance coverage.


  1. The successful bidder must provide bonding for the project.


  1. Properly grind and pave all butt joints and paved driveway entrances for smooth transition.


  1. Provide all necessary engineering, centerline, finish grades, layout, and supervision for the project.


  1. Any additional incidental work, approved by the Town of Clinton, shall be done on a time and material cost    basis.


  1. The contractor shall provide the Town with truck weight slips and a mix design of the products used.


  1. The Contractor shall follow the MDOT standard specifications, (November 2014 Edition, Section 401Hot Asphalt Pavement where applicable).


  1. Dig Safe project as required by law.


  1. Each bidder must visit the sites of service and inform itself of the conditions relating to the area which the services shall be performed. Failure to do so will not relieve a successful bidder of its obligations to furnish all equipment, material, tack, and labor necessary to carry-out the provisions of the agreement and to complete the contemplated work for the consideration set forth in the Bid Proposals. The Town of Clinton disclaims any and all responsibility for injury to Bidders, their agents or others while examining the work site or at any other time. Bidders are responsible for all of their own costs in preparing and submitting bids hereunder.


  1. All services to be furnished to the Town of Clinton shall be performed with equipment, methods and use of personnel in accordance with the pertinent Occupational and Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements of the State of Maine and the United States.


  1. The Contractor must visit the sites of service and inform itself of the conditions relating to the area in which the services shall be performed.


  1. Purchase and properly place ½ inch Shim of 9.5 mm Hot Mix asphalt base material where appropriate.


  1. Purchase and properly place 1 inch compacted surface of 12.5 mm Hot Mix asphalt surface material where appropriate.
  2. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Traffic Control implemented at an industry standard.



Bids must be received by the Town of Clinton by THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. All bids must be submitted in a clearly marked and sealed envelope to:



Road Commissioner, Daniel Swain 27 Baker Street, Clinton, ME 04927


Sealed Bids will be opened and reviewed by the Road Commissioner at the deadline date and time. The road commissioner will compile all bids for the Selectboard to review at their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, MARCH 25, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. The Board of Selectmen may award the bid at that time.


The Town of Clinton reserves the right to waive any informality in bids, to accept any proposal and to reject any and all bids, should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Clinton to do so.

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