Bids & Proposals

Poland - Propane and Heating Oil RFP

Start Date: March 19, 2025
End Date: April 10, 2025
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 998-4601
Email: [email protected]

Propane and Heating Oil

Request for Proposals


The Town of Poland is seeking proposals for propane and heating oil.  The enclosed bid form must be used, and bidders must observe all required state and federal laws and policies.  The Town of Poland does not own any propane tanks.


If you have any questions please contact Town Manager Matthew Garside at (207) 998-4601 or by email at [email protected].  Sealed bids must be received on or before 11:00 AM on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at which time bids will be opened and read publicly in the Town Office Conference Room.  Envelopes must be clearly labeled “PROPANE AND HEATING OIL BID – POLAND”, Attention: Town Manager, Town of Poland, 1231 Maine Street, Poland, Maine 04274. E-mailed bids are acceptable and may be sent to [email protected].    


The Select Board will review all bids received on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.  The Select Board will consider all proposals in their entirety.  The Town of Poland reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and shall consider what is in the best interest of the Town of Poland in accepting a bid, whether or not said bid offers the lowest price. 


Propane and heating oil amounts listed on the bid form are approximate amounts.  The actual amount used may be higher or lower.















DATE: ______________        COMPANY NAME: ___________________________________________________


COMPANY ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________


COMPANY PHONE: _____________________________ CONTACT PERSON:  _________________________


EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________


COST PER UNIT PRICE.  The cost per unit price shall include everything required to fulfill the conditions of the contract.


  1. Start and End Date of Contract Agreement: __________________________________________________


  1.  Please Bid on the following which your company can provide:

USAGE                                                                                   COST PER GALLON                     FIXED


    1. Propane – Approximately 9,500 gallons annually.         $ _______________                 ______

(7) Town property locations, (4) on the same



    1. #2 Heating Fuel – Approximately 7,500 gallons            $ _______________                 ______

Annually. (5) Town property locations, (3) on

the same property.



  1.  Cost to change out propane tanks and do any testing that is required:  ________________________






________________________________________________           Date:  __________________________       

Signature of Authorized Representative

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