Bids & Proposals

Public Paddle Craft Dock Project

Start Date: October 01, 2024
End Date: October 31, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 2073631000


Public Paddle Craft Dock Project

The Town of York, Maine (hereinafter, the "Town") seeks the services of a qualified consultant 
(hereinafter, the "Consultant") to work with and assist the York River Access Ad Hoc Committee 
(YRAAHC) and York Harbor Board to evaluate siting options and recommend designs for a public 
access, non-motorized paddle craft dock at Goodrich Park located at 200 US Route 1 (a Town owned 
property). This site abuts the York River, which is a federally designated Wild and Scenic River. 
Project designs need to incorporate accessibility considerations for all users, incorporate climate 
resiliency and sustainability features such as low-impact materials, erosion control measures and 
nature-based solutions while ensuring
compliance with local, state and federal permit requirements. This project is intended to promote 
access to the Goodrich Park parcel and trail system, implement aspects of the York Comprehensive 
Plan and York River/Harbor Capacity Study. Proposers must have documented successful experience 
planning, design and/or construction and repair of waterfront structures in a tidal environment in 
accordance with State of Maine and Federal requirements.

1.   The successful consultant will lead facilitated planning, design and permitting services for a 
public paddle craft dock located at Goodrich Park (200 US Route 1). The dock shall be designed for 
canoe, kayak and other paddle craft users and not for power boat traffic. Design elements shall 
include access to and from the dock to the Goodrich Park parking area and trail system that 
harmoniously ties into the natural environment of the site and historic site characteristics.
2.   The dock shall allow visitors to and from Goodrich Park, via paddle craft, for access to the 
York River and Goodrich Park for passive recreation purposes.
3.   The completed design of the dock system and associated access to the parcel shall be compliant 
with the Americans with Disabilities Act and include appropriate accommodation to assist physically 
disabled user’s access to the paddle craft dock and Goodrich Park.
4.   Design details of the dock and associated access to the parcel shall be sensitive to the 
surrounding marine environment, comply with local and State of Maine Shoreland
law requirements and include innovative climate resilient design solutions.
5.   Certified State of Maine engineered stamped plans and designs shall be provided for local, 
state and federal permitting processes.

The Town of York has allocated a maximum of $ 50,000 to complete a facilitated paddle craft dock 
design and site access project. All Proposers shall provide a fixed price fee, as a "not to exceed" 
quotation for the total project.

Complete proposals must be received at the York Town Hall, 186 York Street, York Maine 03909, by 
4:00pm on November 15th  at 4pm.

The Proposal must be signed by the Proposer with their full name and address in the sealed envelope 
and must include a pdf submission sent via email to Any Proposal received 
after the deadline stated above may not be considered.

Each Consultant is required to state in the Proposal:

•     Its company name, principal officer's names, mailing address, and telephone number;
•     The name, telephone number, and email address for its Contact Person;
•     The names, titles, mailing address, and telephone numbers for all subcontractors that will be 
used on this project; and
•     A statement that no person acting for or employed by the Town of York is directly or 
indirectly related to the proposer or to any agreement which may be entered into to which the 
Proposal relates or in any portion of the profits here from.

The Proposer must submit one pdf and six hard copies of its Proposal.

Before commencing work under the Town Services Agreement, the successful Consultant shall produce 
evidence satisfactory to the Town that it and its subcontractor consultants, if any, have secured 
public liability, automobile, and workers' compensation insurance coverage.

Questions regarding this Request for Proposal should be directed to Dylan Smith, Planning Director, 
 by phone 207-363-1000,  email or mail to York Town Hall, 186 York Street, 
York Maine 03909.

The Consultant will conduct the following minimum tasks. The Town strongly encourages proposers to 
expand on these tasks, to provide detail on how they are to be accomplished, to recommend which 
tasks require greater emphasis, and to suggest additional tasks not identified in this RFP that may 
be necessary or beneficial.

Project Status Meetings.
The Consultant is expected to meet regularly with staff to discuss project progress and direction, 
with bi-weekly (every other week) updates at a minimum.

Meetings with the York River Access Ad Hoc Committee (YRAAHC), and other interested parties.
The Consultant will work with and meet with the YRAAHC to provide progress updates and obtain 
direction on dock and access design. Project solicitation with other stakeholder groups and Boards 
may also be required to obtain project feedback.

Public Engagement and Communications.
Public acceptance of the final design is critical to the success of this effort, and respondents 
shall explain, highlight and detail their approach to gaining public support, acceptance, and 
funding for the construction of this project.

Final Design and Presentation.
The consultant shall provide and present a final design of the paddle craft dock and access 
project, as recommended by the YRAAHC, to the Selectboard for their consideration of acceptance.

The Consultant will be responsible for working closely with the YRAAHC and town staff. The Town 
Planning Director or designee will be the Project Director and will serve as primary contact and 
coordinator between the Town, the YRAAHC, and the Consultant. Other town staff will be available as 

The YRAAHC will serve as an oversight committee for this project.  It will guide, evaluate, and 
approve the direction and completion of the design of this project. This committee will recommend 
the final Design to the Selectboard for funding.

Release RFP ....................................................................October 1, 2024
Receive Proposals from Consultants  ..............................November 15, 2024
Determination and Interview of Consultants  ..................January 2025
Select candidate and recommend.....................................February/March 2025
to Selectboard for Approval
Issue Notice of Award .....................................................March 2025
Execute Contract by .........................................................March/April 2025
Start Project Work............................................................March/April 2025

Respondents shall provide a proposed project schedule that may be subject to modifications during 
negotiation of the contract.  It is expected that completion of the project and delivery of the 
Design should take no longer than 4 – 6 months.

All services to be furnished to the Town shall be performed with equipment, methods, and use of 
personnel in accordance with pertinent professional standards and with the Occupational and Safety 
and Health Act requirements of the State of Maine and the United States.
Consultants' response to this RFP must include a detailed, step-by-step description of the 
methodology intended for use in performing the scope of work as defined. This description shall 
A.  Cover Letter: Briefly describe the firm, its history, size, and its areas of expertise;
B.  Project Description and Scope of Services: Describe in detail your understanding of the 
project, the services your firm will provide and the methodology that you will use, specifically 
addressing how the points outlined in the scope of work will be met;
C.  Statement of Qualifications (SOQ): Include the following information:
1)   Resumes of key personnel including who will be the project lead/manager, who will participate 
in the project including educational background and employment history, not to exceed two pages per 
2)   Past Experience with similar projects for other clients, for the past five (5) years with 
references, contact names, and telephone numbers;
3)   Example of Work: One (1) complete copy of a similar project your firm has completed within the 
past five (5) years that is most similar to this project;
4)   Statement of Availability and location of key personnel to work on the York assignment;
D.  Project Task and Schedule Matrix:  Provide a high-level matrix/spreadsheet that identifies: 
major project tasks and milestones; estimated date for completing each task; total number of hours 
for each task.

The Consultant shall address the proposed scope of services, including their approach, personnel 
who will do the work, in-house technical review capabilities, and ability to meet the project 

The Proposal shall discuss in sufficient detail the steps that the Consultant will take to arrive 
at the desired results. The discussion shall be important for the selection process. The Town 
reserves the right to solicit additional information from the Consultant or their references. Each 
responding Consultant will be ranked according to their proposal, qualifications based on 
experience, results, and other information furnished.

The YRAAHC will use the following criteria to make a recommendation to the Selectboard for award of 
the contract:
•     A successful record in completing similar projects.
•     The quality and depth of the consultant team's applicable experience and expertise, 
especially with similar projects.
•     Resumes of the personnel who will be assigned to this project, including relevant experience.
•     The timeliness of the proposed schedule and the ability of the consultant team to complete 
the work as scheduled based on current and projected workload.
•     A reasonable and competitive fee.
•     The quality of oral presentation, and of submitted example products.
•     The quality of references.
•     Other applicable factors as the Town determines necessary or appropriate.

The Town reserves the right to waive any informalities in Proposals, to accept any Proposal, and to 
reject any or all Proposals, should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town to do so.

A Proposal may be held by the Town for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the 
opening of Proposals for the purpose of reviewing the Proposal and investigating the qualifications 
of the Proposer prior to the award of a contract.

The Town of York, Maine is seeking professional services for the planning, design and future 
permitting of an innovative, resilient and sustainable ADA paddle craft dock and associated access 
on a Town owned parcel on the York River.

Sealed bids, which meet the delivery format specified in the Town’s Request for Proposal (RFP), 
shall be received until 4pm on Friday, November 15th, 2024 at the Town Planning Department in the 
York Town Hall, 186 York Street, York, Maine 03909.

The Paddle Craft Dock RFP, Specifications, and any other helpful documents may be obtained at

Questions regarding the Request for Proposal should be directed to Dylan Smith, Planning Director, 
York Town Hall, 186 York Street, York Maine 03909, or email Dylan at
Town of York, Maine

Dylan Smith, Planning Director
September 17th, 2024

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