Bids & Proposals

Request for Proposal: City of Ellsworth Business Attraction Plan

Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)


City of Ellsworth

Request for Proposals (Revised)

Economic Development Business Attraction Plan, Market Analysis, &

Action Plan Matrix



Please note that this Request for Proposals has been revised from a previous version that was released on October 31, 2022 and is now being re-issued.


The City of Ellsworth is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced vendors to conduct an Economic Development Business Attraction Plan, to also include a Market Analysis and Action Plan Matrix, in order to help guide economic development policies and strategies in Ellsworth.  The selected consultant must be an expert in economic development, specifically in conducting market analyses processes, analyzing existing data, and determining projections to develop an Action Plan Matrix.  The Action Plan Matrix will identify priorities and catalytic strategies to help leverage targeted growth and maximize economic return, including public and private investments.  The matrix will also provide tangible recommendations to help guide Ellsworth’s future.  The action plan component of this project is not a comprehensive economic development strategic plan.


Proposals are due by 4pm on Wednesday, February 15, 2023.


To view the entire RFP visit –


Any questions regarding the project specifications should be directed to Janna Richards, Economic Development Director, by emailing


Posted January 5, 2023

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