Bids & Proposals

Request for Proposals (RFP) - Municipal Assessing Services - Town of Conway, New Hampshire

Start Date: February 27, 2025
End Date: April 07, 2025
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
More Information: Click Here


The Town of Conway, NH is soliciting proposals from professional assessing contractors
to serve as the Assessing Agent by performing municipal assessing services on behalf of
the Board of Selectmen for a two-year period commencing April 1, 2025 and ending
March 31, 2027.

Conway understands the capacity of contract assessors is limited throughout the State.
While preference may be given to firms able to accommodate all of the Towns assessing
needs, it is encouraged for those able to complete a certain function or set of services to
also apply, such as addressing commercial assessing needs.


The Town of Conway has a population of 9,822 with 8,685 taxable non-utility parcels,
526 current use parcels with 25,954 acres of non-taxable land in current use or
conservation, and 648 commercial properties. (For additional valuation information, see
attached 2024 MS-1 Form.)

The Town utilizes UNIVERS assessing software and Avitar tax collection software. The
most recent town-wide revaluation was completed in 2023 by the Town’s previous
Assessing Agent – Corcoran Associates as a statistical update Prior to that, the last
complete revaluation took place in 2019. During 2024, the Town has compiled cyclical
data updates on approximately 1600 parcels as part of an annual review of 20% of the
total number of assessed units.

The Town’s Assessing Office staff consists of one full-time Assistant Assessor and one
part-time assessing clerk who processes most applications for exemptions and tax credits
while handling customer service inquiries. They will also do most of the data entry into
the Town’s computer systems as directed by the Assessing Agent, as well as scheduling
appointments and assisting as needed. The town also employs one part-time measure and
lister who will conduct the residential cycle program with help from the assessing agent.
One of the goals of this solicitation is to develop a long-term relationship with the
successful assessing contractor whereby multiple future contract extensions including a
revaluation contract will be done in two-year increments by mutual agreement without
the need for further solicitation; (assuming each party is satisfied with the business

It shall be understood by both parties that contracted assessing services will be done
according to NHDRA Rev. 600 rules, unless deviation is otherwise approved in writing
by the Town. It is understood that property assessment is by its nature an intrusive
activity. The Contractor shall always treat citizens with courtesy and respect. Duties shall
be performed in a manner that reflects the sensitive nature of the intrusion the process
presents to the typical taxpayer. Contractors are representatives of the Town of Conway;
as such they shall provide proper identification on their person and vehicles, in addition
to performing all duties in a professional manner.

All correspondence prepared by the Contractor for distribution to taxpayers shall be
reviewed by the Town prior to mailing.


Sealed proposals shall be mailed or delivered to the Town Administrator’s Office at 23
Main St, Conway, NH on or before April 7, 2025, at 4:00pm. Proposals shall be opened
publicly in the Conway Town Hall Conference Room at that time. Understanding that
spring can be a bust time in assessing, the Town asks that an intent to submit an RFP
response be sent as soon as known.

Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly labeled "SEALED Proposal
for Assessing Services.” Proposals will become part of the Town's public files without
any further obligation on the Town's part.

Awards shall be made based on the proposal that in the opinion of the Board of
Selectmen is in the best interest of the Town. The Town reserves the right to reject any
and all proposals. The Town reserves the right to request additional information for
clarification from Proposers during the evaluation process, and/or to allow corrections of
errors or omissions.

The Town encourages all qualified applicants to apply regardless if the RFP can be
addressed in full or if only a portion of the specified work could be accomplished. To be
able to accommodate the assessing needs of Conway, applicants are encouraged to offer
creative solutions and multiple contracts may be awarded to fill the need.


FULL RFP document




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