Bids & Proposals

Road maintenance and repair bids

Start Date: June 16, 2023
End Date: June 16, 3023
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)

The Town of Sabattus is seeking by sealed bid auction, road maintenance and repair bids.  


1.  Specific Sections of three (3) separate roads


All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “Sabattus Roads Maintenance and Repair Bid” and accepted at the Town Office NO LATER THAN Friday, July 7, 2023 at 12:00 pm, Noon. Use of official bid form is required. Bidder’s contact information must be completed where directed. No facsimile or electronic bids (email, Facebook message, or any other method) will be accepted.


All bids will be opened on Monday, 7/10/23 at 12:00 pm.  All bids will be brought to the Selectboard at the next available Selectboard Meeting, for approval of the winning bid.





Marsh Road

Approximate:  Top coat of entire length of rebuilt roadway

Grind butt joint on both ends of work area

Grind butt joints for driveway match

Furnish and install bituminous tack over existing pavement

Pave with topcoat.

1.25” X  9.5 mm


Keay Road

Approximate:  First 2100’ from Maxwell Road Intersection

Remove all existing pavements

Furnish and install shim, gravel, if necessary, to create crown

Compact and fine grade with two layers:

2.5” X 19 mm

1.5” X  9.5 mm











East Ridge Road

Approximate:  From Sutherland Pond Road Intersection

Grind butt joint on both ends of work area

Grind butt joints for driveway match

Install bit tack over shim area

Shim the area to fill in the ruts and allow the water to shed properly

Excavate to install 6’ wide rip-rap swale areas in two locations to accept water runoff

Extend the rip-rap approximately 12’ from edge of pavement or to property line

Furnish and install bituminous tack over existing pavement

Pave the prepared area in one layer;

1.5” X 12.5 mm


Questions may be directed to Sabattus Public Works Foreman Designee Tim Pinard, at (207)740-6145. The Town reserves the right to adjust specifications, while in discussions with contractors and final bidder.  The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids for any reason whatsoever, including accepting of the highest bid.


Opportunities to View/Inspect Surplus Waste Oil & Tank

Location: Sabattus Public Works Garage - 26 Pleasant Hill Rd, Sabattus, ME 04280

  1. June 28, 2022 (Wednesday) 12:00 Noon - 3:00pm
  2. June 29, 2022 (Thursday) 12:00 Noon - 3:00pm

Sealed Bids Due:

July 7, 2023 (Friday) 12:00 Noon

Sabattus Town Office • 190 Middle Road • Sabattus, Maine 04280


Selectmen to Approve Sales Winning Bidders:

July 11, 2023 (Tuesday) 6:30pm – Selectboard Meeting




Date: _____________________


Bid Item:  __________________________________________________________________


Numeric Bid Amount (Example: “$10,500”). __________________________________________


Written Bid Amount (Example: “Ten Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars.”): ________________________



Full Name of Bidder (Please Print): __________________________________________________


Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________


Phone: _______________________ E-Mail Address: _____________________________________


Signature of Bidder: __________________________________________________________________



Town of Sabattus

190 Middle Road

Sabattus, ME  04280


Phone:  207-375-4331

Fax:  207-375-4104             

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