Bids & Proposals

Town of Castine, Maine - Request for Proposal to Provide Assessment and Feasibility Design Study of Waterfront

Start Date: October 16, 2024
End Date: November 08, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-595-0310
More Information: Click Here

This project is being funded by a $50,0000 Maine Department of Transportation Infrastructure Adaptation Fund Grant

Town of Castine, Maine

Request for Proposal to Provide Assessment and Feasibility Design Study of Waterfront


Proposals for providing an Assessment and Feasibility Design Study of Waterfront for Town of Castine will be received at the Town of Castine Town Hall (Emerson Hall), 67 Court Street (mailing: P.O. Box 204), Maine 04421 until Wednesday, November 8, 2024, at 2:00PM at which time they will be publicly opened.  Late or unsigned bids shall not be accepted.  All proposals shall remain open to acceptance for sixty days from their opening.

All questions shall be directed, in writing, to the Town Manager by email (, and be received at least five business days prior to the stated opening date.  Questions received after this time will not be addressed.  Responses that substantially alter this bid will be issued in the form of a written addendum to all bid holders registered with the Town Office.  Given this, it is important for all interested parties to email their interest in the project to as soon as possible to get notified of any addendums.  Oral explanations or interpretations given before the award of the contract will not be binding.


The Town of Castine, Maine is seeking a provider, hereinafter "Consultant", to undertake a Assessment and Feasibility Design Study for the Town Waterfront (Town Dock Area), which will define short term needs and identify long term planning goals which address sea rise and flooding issues that the Town has been experiencing, and ultimately the protection of important and criticial infrastructure owned by the Town in this location. 

The results of this project will be scoping and design in nature which will show a phased plan for redesign of the Castine Town Dock Area to mitigate vulnerabilities from climate change and sea level rise.  When identifying projects or strategies for addressing the climate change related issues above, the consultant shall also identify how proposed strategies will fit in with adjacent properties that may or may not take similar measures to ensure the protection of the town infrastructure.   As a side note, the Maine Maritime Academy will be building out their pier for a new training ship, and plans to do a Phase II which will address sea rise at their fixed land dock area. 

The following information may be helpful for interested Consultants to understand Castine’s issues and desired outcomes of this study:

Since the December 23, 2019, publication of the State of Maine Department of Marine Resources report on sea level rise in the Penobscot Bay (Wood Report), Castine has known that the community must take steps to prepare its vulnerable town dock area for the eventuality of sea level rise.  The community’s assumption was that there was time to prepare with the year 2041 set as a completion deadline for multiple phases of preparation.  However, the town dock area has now been flooded three times in the past 21 months with the most recent storms destroying roughly 60% of the dock infrastructure.  Castine’s town dock area encompasses our town dock, restrooms, a take out eatery, and a sewage pump station.  The age of each piece of this infrastrure varies from 25-35 years old for the dock, to only 8-13 years old for the buildings. 

This project is a scoping and design project to provide the town with a phased approach to sea level rise adaptation.  Castine’s entire dock area is a focal point of community life in Castine, and all groups, businesses, and the public utilize the area throughout the warmer months.  The Sea Street pump station is the most critical piece of infrastructure in the town dock area and the entire town.  All village sewage is transported through this pump station.  If this piece of infrastructure fails, the entire town’s sewage will have nowhere to go, but into the Bagaduce River and ultimately, the Penobscot Bay. 

 Castine’s entire town dock area is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and sea level rise.  On the 22d and 23 of December 2022, the entire area was flooded and 25% of the dock damaged.  On January 10, 2024, the entire area flooded again and 60% of the dock was destroyed.  On January 13, 2024, the area flooded again threatening water inundation of the critical Sea Street Sewage pump station. Erosion of adjacent property waterfronts also sustained damage and erosion due to these events.

For the complete RFP Scope of Services, Deliverables, and Submission Requirements go to this Link

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