Bids & Proposals

Town of Hampden - RFP Truck Acquisition

Start Date: July 01, 2024
End Date: July 25, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-862-3034 ext 137
More Information: Click Here

Town of Hampden

-Invitation to provide a quote/bid on Town Vehicle acquisition-


Offers shall be in a sealed envelope and clearly labeled:

“Town of Hampden Truck Acquisition FY-25”

Bid Due: Monday, July 29, 2024, before 11:00 A.M.

106 Western Ave. Hampden, Maine 04444


The Town of Hampden is seeking qualified bidders for supplying a new vehicle for the Public Works Department

The specifications detail the requested vehicle and are located on our website. In order to be considered, potential bidders must complete the bid form and return it to the following address by 11:00AM on Monday, July 29, 2024. In addition to the bid form, provide any equipment information, company information, location, references, etc., the supplier believes would be advantageous for Council decision.


The Town Council will consider all bids and recommendations from the Public Works Director.


The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids at their discretion






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