Town of Peru - Annual Audit Proposals
Start Date: July 16, 2024
End Date: January 03, 2025
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 2075624627
Email: [email protected]
The Town of Peru, is requesting proposals from qualified firms of certified accountants for auditing and related services for a three-year period, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
The annual audit is to be in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the State of Maine Department of Audit and Title 30-A M.R.S. § 5823. For the purpose of rendering an auditor’s opinion regarding the fairness of applicable legal provisions in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. The Town also requests that the quotes reflect the review and updating of the Town’s comprehensive fixed assets listing to be maintained according to GASB # 34 and depreciation calculations on the above-mentioned fixed asset listing for each of the three years indicated. In addition, the quotes should include providing the Town with financial statements as part of each audit, as the Town does not compile its own financial statements.
Two (2) unbound copies of the proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “AUDITOR RFP BIDS” to the Attn: Select Board, Town of PERU, PO BOX 429, 26 Main Street Peru, Maine 04290. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals.
All inquiries concerning the request for proposals should be addressed to Debra Coudrain Tax Collector/ Treasurer/ Town Clerk for the Town of PERU, at [email protected] or
(207) 562-4627