Bids & Proposals

Town of Wilton - Request for Proposal - Environmental Consulting Services

Start Date: September 17, 2024
End Date: September 27, 2024
Type: Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Phone: 207-645-3682

The Town of Wilton is requesting Statements of Proposals from interested and qualified Consultants for Environmental Consulting Services in order to assist with administration of a Maine Drinking Water Program, Source Water Protection Grant to begin implementing the Varnum Pond Watershed-Based Protection Plan (WBPP).
Varnum Pond is the drinking water supply for the Town of Wilton and North Jay, and the back-up water supply for the Town of Farmington. Varnum Pond is listed on Maine DEP's 2016 Nonpoint Source Priority Watershed List. The WBPP was completed in April 2018 and identified the need for immediate and long-term in-lake monitoring in order to establish a reliable baseline for tracking changes in water quality over time, and ongoing remediation of high priority sites identified during the 2016 watershed survey. (A copy of the WBPP may be requested by emailing:

The purpose of the project is to build-upon ongoing implementation of Source Water Protection strategies outlined in the 2018 Varnum Pond WBPP. The project schedule is September 2024 – March 2026. The scope of work includes:
• Provide grant management services including communication with project partners, budget tracking, preparing and submitting final deliverables and grant reimbursement paperwork;
• Prepare a 2-sided newsletter for the Town’s water/sewer bill mailing with a focus on 2023-2024 SWP outcomes and road projects and a press release highlighting the 2024 invasive plant paddle;
• Collect monthly in-lake water chemistry samples (July-September 2025), and develop an annual monitoring summary report;
• Conduct baseline plankton sampling (July-September 2025)and prepare a plankton analysis summary;
• Coordinate a watershed survey for the Varnum Pond watershed in partnership with the Town of Wilton, Friends of Wilson Lake, and local volunteers (fall 2024) including field surveys, and post-survey mapping and reporting;
• Provide coordination and construction oversight for a Phase II gravel road improvement project on Pine Point Rd. in Temple including preparation of cost-share agreements, requests for estimates, and ongoing communication with project partners;

To facilitate review, submissions should conform to the following format:
1. Experience of the Firm: Provide a description of your firm’s prior experience and qualifications in implementing source water or watershed-based management plans, water quality monitoring, design and oversight of erosion control projects, and grant administration for grants with a cost-share component.
2. Project Team (Key Staff): Identify the proposed Project Manager and key project team members and responsibilities. Describe your team's experience working in the Varnum Pond watershed. Provide a brief resume for each person outlining their credential and experience.
3. Cost Proposal: Provide an itemized rate per hour for the identified team and any other project costs such as mileage, per diem, lab fees, etc. Provide an overall cost for your team to successfully complete tasks outlined in the Scope of Work above.
4. References: Provide the name and contact information for at least three (3) references familiar with the quality of work by your team of similar nature as contained in the above Scope of Work.
5. Project Understanding: Provide your general understanding of the watershed, project, and issues regarding the identified project(s). Identify any potential challenges or special concerns that may be encountered, and a proposed schedule of work.

The following criteria will be used in screening, ranking and selection of the successful firm:
1. Qualifications of the Firm (40 points): Preference shall be given to those firms with experience in implementing watershed management plans, source water protection strategies, water quality monitoring and grant administration.
2. Qualifications of the Project Team (Key Staff) (30 points): Preference shall be given to those with key staff experience in items listed in the above scope of services and familiarity with the watershed.
3. Project Understanding (30 points): Preference shall be given to those firms which have a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements and environment.

It is the intent of the Town to appoint a committee to review the proposals submitted and rank the qualified firms. All unsuccessful firms will be notified in writing no later than 10 days after selection of the Consultant. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all submissions to this RFP, request clarification, or waive informalities/technicalities, if it is deemed in the best interest of the project. The Town assumes no responsibility for costs incurred in responding to the RFP.

An electronic copy of the Qualifications Statement must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, September 27, 2024 to:

Dalton Plante
Wilton Water & Sewer
158 Weld Rd.
Wilton, ME 04294


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