Forum for Local Government

The Forum for Local Government will be coming to a region near you this Fall!

Join us for a forum focused on strengthening the relationship between local and state government in Maine. This event will bring together municipal officials and candidates for the Maine State Legislature to discuss critical issues, learn about municipal services, share challenges, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Topics of Exploration:

  • What services are on offer for municipal government from MMA and your regional planning and council of government partners ?
  • How can candidates for State government better assist their local government partners?
  • How can local government help share their stories to improve legislation?
  • What are the real challenges facing the communities in this region and what tools should be considered to assist counties, towns, and cities?
This forum is an opportunity for candidates and new officials to get to know local government and contribute to meaningful discussions that will shape the future of our communities. Whether you are a local government official or a candidate for the Maine State Legislature, your voice is vital in this conversation.

Register for a Forum:

Hosted by: MMA, Lincoln County Regional Planning and Midcoast Council of Governments

Contact: For more information, contact Rebecca Graham at 207-624-0101 or