Public Safety Careers - Live & Work in Maine

Town Administrator

Start Date: February 19, 2025 | End Date: April 01, 2025
County: Knox County
Job Type: Other

The Town of South Thomaston, a coastal community located in Knox County with a population of 1558 and a sizable summer population, is seeking applicants for the position of Town Administrator.  The Position is available immediately.

The Town Administrator reports to a three member Selectboard but with a high degree of day by day independence. The exercise of mature discretionary judgment coupled with a high level of initiative is critical.  Typically the incumbent also holds the statutory positions of town clerk, tax collector, and treasurer

This position:

  • Oversees the customer service operations and other operations in the town office supervising staff members.
  • Coordinates operations with several part time employees including Fire Chief, Ambulance Director, Road Commissioner, Assessor’s Agent, CEO and other part time employees.
  • Maintains the town’s financial management system (TRIO) including budgeting, accounting, payroll, and accounts payable.
  • Prepares Selectboard agendas including researching background information and developing recommendations for action.
  • Drafts correspondence, contracts, solicitations, policies, ordinances and other complex documents.

Candidates must possess excellent organizational, computer, and written and oral communications skills.  Relevant municipal experience and training would be an important asset.  A four-year college degree in a related field is preferred, but not required.

This is a salaried position and the amount of the salary will be based upon experience and training.  The salary is calculated based on a forty hour work week.  It is however expected that the incumbent will be required to dedicate additional hours beyond an average of forty hours per week to attend meetings and to otherwise perform the required functions at a satisfactory level.

Health insurance, paid holidays, vacation, sick time and other benefits are provide in accordance with town policy.

To apply submit cover letter, resume and three professional letters of reference to Town of South Thomaston,  P.O. Box 147, South Thomaston, ME 04858 or via e-mail at [email protected]  by noon March 17th.  E.O.E.

