Municipal Career Center

City of Belfast Library Assistant

Start Date: February 12, 2025 | End Date: March 05, 2025
County: Waldo County
Job Type: Library
More Information: Click here

Employment Opportunity

Library Assistant

The City of Belfast, a vibrant, development-focused community of 7,000 located in midcoast Maine, is seeking a full-time Library Assistant. This position performs essential duties for the Belfast Free Library (with a special focus on teen services) including assisting the public with use of library material, checking material in and out, shelving books and other items, processing interlibrary loan requests, sending out overdue notices, registering new patrons, entering catalog data, planning and implementing programs for teens, and answering telephone inquiries.

The successful applicant must have a strong public service orientation, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, knowledge of teen literature, and familiarity with and ability to use current technology. Previous public library experience is preferred.

The salary range for this position is $18.39 to $20.80 hourly in addition to a competitive benefits package. The schedule for this position regularly includes some evenings and Saturdays. 

All applications are to be submitted in confidence, with a completed Belfast Employment Application form ( ) which must be received by the Human Resource Administrator, Nancy Driscoll, at 131 Church Street no later than 6:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.  Applications can be sent in a sealed envelope and may be delivered by mail or in person to:

City of Belfast

Library Assistant Search

C/O HR Administrator

131 Church Street

Belfast, Maine 04915


Or by email to: [email protected]


The City of Belfast is an equal opportunity employer.

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