Municipal Career Center

Maine DEP Invites Towns to Submit Waste Grant Proposals

Maine DEP Invites Towns to Submit Waste Grant Proposals

Start Date: March 15, 2024 | End Date: March 15, 3024
Job Type: Communications & Advocacy

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is soliciting grant proposals to support the development, implementation or improvement of programs, initiatives or activities designed to increase the diversion of solid waste from disposal. In the Fall of 2023, the Department funded ten waste diversion projects around Maine with a total of $128,326.07 in awards. These grants are supporting efforts to increase food scrap recovery and composting activities in the Central and Southern Maine areas, allowing a small Maine business to continue efforts to collect and refurbish outdated personal computers and laptops, supporting backyard composting programs, increasing recycling efforts at several Maine communities, and helping to promote educational awareness at a Maine school district by immersing students and staff in a hands-on, sustainable educational program that will help promote sustainability programs throughout the district. 

All interested municipalities, regional associations and Maine businesses are encouraged to apply.  

Application details on RFP #202403057 – “Waste Diversion Grants Program” are available online at Request for Proposals, Maine DEP. Written questions on the RFP must be submitted by March 22, 2024 (using the form included in the RFP), and proposals must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on April 5, 2024.

A copy of the RFP, as well as the Question & Answer Summary and all amendments related to this RFP, can be obtained at the following website:

As a resource, there is a video presentation titled “Introduction to Maine’s Waste Diversion Grant Program: Online Meeting”. It provides important program details and answers a number of frequently asked questions. The video can be viewed here:

For additional information, contact:

David R. Madore, Deputy Commissioner /
Mark King, Organics Management Specialist /

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