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2024 GA Maximums & Updated MMA Model GA Ordinance Now Available

2024 GA Maximums & Updated MMA Model GA Ordinance Now Available

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy, Legal Services

The 2024 MMA Model GA Ordinance and all the Appendices containing the 2024 GA Maximums are now available on the MMA Legal Services GA Manual webpage. (See the drop down menus “Ordinance Maximums” and “Municipal GA Ordinance.”) 

By October 1st of each year, the municipal officers (selectboard or council) are required to adopt the new appendices containing the yearly general assistance (GA) maximum levels of assistance. A public hearing is required prior to adoption. Although some municipalities choose to adopt MMA’s amended Model GA Ordinance each year along with the new maximums, many adopt only the new maximums on an annual basis.

Note that a few substantive changes were made this year to the MMA Model GA Ordinance to reflect some statutory amendments enacted this past legislative session. For example, there have been changes in the law relative to the hours in which individuals are able to apply for GA, the addition of a training requirement for GA administrators, and changes to the length of time a municipality remains responsible for an applicant who relocates or is in an institution. (See the August 2024, "Legal Note," 2024 General Assistance Changes for a summary of the changes to the GA laws that took effect on August 9.)

Given these notable substantive changes to the ordinance for 2024-2025, MMA Legal Services recommends municipal officers adopt the full 2024 MMA Model GA Ordinance along with the Appendices that contain the year’s maximums.

Click here to go to the Sept 9 Current Issues article
