What's New at MMA

MMA’s Serve Strong Program Featured on the Voice of Maine

Thursday, November 16, 2023

On November 16, Anthony Ward, Casco Town Manager and member of the Association’s Executive Committee and Rebecca Graham, MMA’s Senior Legislative Advocate, joined Ric Tyler and George Hale on the Voice of Maine to discuss MMA’s Serve Strong initiative.  You can listen to the interview here. The program, which will be fully implemented and made available to MMA member towns and cities in February 2024, is designed to provide first responders access to web-based...

Feedback on an Office of New Americans Requested

Monday, November 6, 2023

On August 3, 2023, Governor Mills signed an executive order directing the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future (GOPIF) to develop a plan establishing an Office of New Americans.  Information about this effort, including the full text of the executive order, can be found here.   In summary, by January 19, 2024, GOPIF must: (1) deliver a plan to establish a new state office to support the long-term economic and civic integration of immigrants in Maine; (2)...

Apply Now: New Water Workforce Grant Funding Available

Monday, October 30, 2023

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $20 million in grant funding through the Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant Program to address the need for building a pipeline of skilled, diverse water and wastewater utilities workers. Cities, via their public works departments, are eligible recipients of these grants and are encouraged to apply by the November 17th deadline! 

MMA Critical Incident Response Services Available for Member Communities

Thursday, October 26, 2023

On behalf of staff and our Executive Committee, the Association expresses its deepest concerns for the City of Lewiston and all surrounding communities who continue to respond to last evening’s horrific event.  Situations of this nature call into question the level of safety we have grown to rely on living in Maine. Our hearts are with the victims and their families, as well as the public safety officials who respond to the call to protect Maine’s residents, businesses,...

Rodent Academy: October 24 & 25 in Portland

Friday, October 20, 2023

Rodent Academy is an educational program that uses active learning to teach best practices for preventing, managing, and monitoring rodent infestations. This program is intended for professionals, including pest management professionals, sanitarians, inspectors, facilities managers, health officials, educators, and others. Pesticide recertification credits will be offered. This year Rodent Academy is being offered as a 1-day webinar (virtual) or a 2-day, in-person program. 1-Day...

Stream Smart for Municipalities: November 8th in Milo

Friday, October 20, 2023

Piscataquis Soil and Water Conservation District and Maine Audubon will be hosting a workshop for municipalities to learn about “Stream Smart” principles and funding opportunities for road/stream crossing projects.  These crossings can help protect roads and public safety against flooding, and support fish and wildlife habitat.  This workshop will provide information on basic “Stream Smart” principles and how to implement them, applicable regulations for...

Maine Broadband Summit on Nov 15

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Maine Broadband Coalition will hold its annual summit on November 15 at Thomas College, in Waterville, Maine.  Municipal leaders are welcomed to attend the daylong event, which will include a keynote address from Gigi Sohn, the Executive Director of the American Association of Public Broadband.  For more information, please click here.   

MMA Municipal Fiscal Survey Deadline Extended To November 17

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The deadline for submissions has been extended to November 17, 2023. The results of this survey provide vital information which helps to guide the work of MMA member services for training and advocacy. Participation in MMA’s survey also satisfies your municipality’s obligation to provide fiscal data to the U.S. Census Bureau. Memos were originally sent out in August and can be found here. Questions or responses can be sent to Amanda Campbell, [email protected], or...
