What's New at MMA

Important ARPA Reporting Deadlines

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The U.S. Treasury is reporting that 4,300 ARPA recipients have not filed required reports.  Although the list of non-filers has not been released, it is possible that some municipalities in Maine have missed the deadline.  The concern among municipal officials is if reporting deadlines are not fulfilled, the federal government will seek to “claw back” the distributed revenue.  Even if a municipality has nothing to report, they must comply with the filing...

Housing Outreach Meetings

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Housing Opportunity Program is hosting four in-person office hour sessions in September in Belfast, Bangor, Houlton, and Caribou. According to officials at the Department of Economic & Community Development, these sessions will provide an informal way for community members, municipal officials, and planning board members to discuss issues related to the Maine’s affordable housing policies, including LD 2003.  For more information, email...

Cannabis Rulemaking - Public Comments

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Office of Cannabis Policy (OCP) is seeking public comments on proposed rules impacting the delivery, return, marketing and advertising of adult use cannabis, as well as the requirements for specified event permits.  A copy of the proposed rules can be found here.  OCP is accepting public comments through September 17, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. and will host an in-person public hearing on September 6, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. as another opportunity to solicit public comments and address...

SBA Interest in Municipal Feedback on New ADA Website Accessibility Rules

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy is seeking feedback regarding the fiscal impacts of a Department of Justice (DOJ) rule establishing technical standards to ensure public websites and mobile applications are accessible for people with disabilities.  The Office of Advocacy is interested in learning how this change would impact municipalities, with specific interest in the process municipalities are currently using to ensure accessibility and the estimated cost...

BEAD Act Program Information Session on September 19

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity Act Programs will provide Maine with an estimated $290 million grant to fund broadband infrastructure and digital equity for the entire state. The Maine Connectivity Authority will recap the BEAD and Digital Equity process to date and begin the discussion of what's to come at an interactive virtual event at 12pm on Tuesday, September 19.  Click here to register for the event. 

Upward Mobility Technical Assistance

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Urban Institute is kicking off a new technical assistance program called the Mobility Action Learning Network to provide pro bono technical assistance to teams of local leaders interested in advancing locally driven programs, policies, and actions that boost upward mobility from poverty and racial equity.  This opportunity will be made available for up to 30 teams, which must include members representing government agencies and non-government organizations capable of creating system...

Maine Service Fellow Opportunity - Deadline September 8

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Volunteer Maine is accepting Letters of Intent from new communities in Oxford, Franklin, Somerset, Piscataquis, Aroostook, Washington, Hancock, Waldo, Knox, and certain parts of Penobscot counties interested in engaging in this program.  Maine Service Fellows are recent college graduates (within last 5 years) who commit a year to living and serving in a community as the additional human resource needed to address a community issue. The project they undertake may impact a single...

Newly Elected Members to the MMA Executive Committee

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Maine Municipal Association is pleased to formally announce the results of the annual election for the MMA Executive Committee for 2024. A total of 163 Voting Ballots were received. Leslie Giroux, Municipal Clerk for the Town of Solon, inspected each ballot and provided the official counts as follows: Vice President: Melissa Doane, Town Manager, Town of Bradley (160 votes received) EC Members: Shiloh LaFreniere, Town Manager, Town of Jay (160 votes received); Nathaniel Rudy, Town...

Launch of MMA’s 2022 Municipal Fiscal Survey

Monday, August 21, 2023

MMA and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly administer an annual fiscal survey, which is one of the only statewide data sources of municipal revenues and expenses. The results of this survey provide vital information which helps to guide the work of MMA member services for training and advocacy. Memos were emailed to officials in every municipality this week. Please consider devoting time to this important survey. Participation in MMA’s survey also satisfies your municipality’s...


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