What's New at MMA

Solid Waste Management and Recycling Plan for Maine to be Revised and Available January 2024

Friday, July 14, 2023

The Solid Waste Management and Recycling Plan for Maine (the "Waste Plan") will be revised and made available by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in January 2024. In compliance with state law, this plan is reviewed and revised every five years. The most recent Waste Plan was released in 2019, and it is available here. The Department is seeking public input for updating the Waste Plan and will be hosting a series of five regional stakeholder meetings as...

Local Health Officers Webinar on July 19 - "Meet Your Resources – Landlord/Tenant Issues"

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

In conjunction with Pine Tree Legal Services and Legal Services for the Elderly, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services is hosting a Local Health Officer “Meet Your Resources – Landlord/Tenant Issues” webinar on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m..  For more information and to register for the webinar, please click here.

MMA Executive Committee Election Process

Friday, July 7, 2023

Each year, member municipalities have an opportunity to vote on the election of the proposed Maine Municipal Association Vice President and municipal officials to serve on the MMA Executive Committee. A five-member Nominating Committee was appointed to review nominations submitted by municipal officials and conduct interviews with those municipal officials interested in serving as the MMA Vice President and Executive Committee. The MMA Nominating Committee completed its task in May and put...

State Reimbursement of Municipal Costs Associated With the Housing Mandate Now Available

Friday, June 30, 2023

At long last, the Department of Economic and Community Development has released the information municipal officials need to secure funding for the LD 2003 housing mandate enacted by the Legislature in 2022 as PL 2021, c. 672.  The announcement below provides information on how municipalities and regional entities can access promised revenues, as well as updates on the 2023 work of the Legislature’s Housing Committee. For more information click here. Attachments: ...

Maine PowerOptions to Conduct “Updated Incentives for Electrifying HVAC Systems” Lunch & Learn on July 12

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Maine PowerOptions will conduct an “Updated Incentives for Electrifying HVAC Systems” lunch and learn session on Wednesday July 12 at noon.  Rick Meinking from Efficiency Maine will update attendees on Efficiency Maine’s new incentives for businesses and municipalities.  For more information and to register, please click here.

Nominations Open for MMA’s Most Prestigious Award

Friday, June 2, 2023

The Maine Municipal Association is currently accepting nominations for its Ethel N. Kelley Memorial Award. Does your municipality have a municipal volunteer or employee who has demonstrated the capability and willingness to “Hold the Community Together”, has selfless concern for people, has longevity of conscientious service, and is dedicated to the cause of good local government?   MMA is interested in having the opportunity to share in your municipality’s...

Statewide Interconnection Conference in Belfast June 22

Friday, May 26, 2023

You are cordially invited to attend The Missing Link: A Statewide Interconnection Conference on June 22nd at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast. A Climate to Thrive has developed this conference in order to meet the largest challenge facing renewable energy deployment and will define Maine’s ability to reach our climate goals. Towns, cities, and their taxpayers from across Maine have benefitted from municipally-owned solar projects that offer local clean energy generation,...
