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Bonding Requirements

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

State law requires some municipal officials to be “bonded.” In this context, a “bond” is an insurance policy or security that protects the municipality and municipal taxpayers in the event the official fails or refuses to faithfully perform required duties or to properly account for monies received. If the municipality incurs losses as a result, the surety agrees to cover those losses up to the limits stated in the bond instrument. The surety may be a bonding...

Charter Commission Discretion Confirmed

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

In Good v. Town of Bar Harbor, 2024 ME 48, Maine’s Supreme Court addressed a municipal charter commission’s discretion to decide how to present its recommendations to voters. Maine law states that a charter commission tasked with revising a municipal charter may recommend, in its final report, that the present charter continue in force with only minor modifications, and those modifications may be submitted to the voters in as many separate questions as the commission...

ACO Appointment & Training

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Maine law requires every municipality to appoint an animal control officer (ACO). Unless a charter provides otherwise, the ACO must be a U.S. citizen, Maine resident and at least 18 years old. See 30-A M.R.S. § 2526. If qualified, an employee of an animal shelter may be appointed as ACO. A person may not be appointed as an ACO if the person has been convicted of murder; of a Class A or Class B offense under Maine law; of a violation of Title 17-A, chapters 9, 11, 12 or 13...