What's New at MMA

Forum for Local Government Coming to a Region Near You!

Forum for Local Government Coming to a Region Near You!

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy

Local government officials and candidates for the Maine State Legislature can expect an important invitation arriving soon in their inboxes and mailboxes. The invitation is for a series of upcoming regional forums designed to connect municipal and county leaders with services available through regional Councils of Government, planning, and economic development organizations. Candidates for state office, both incumbent and new, will receive invites to attend local government forums in their constituency areas, hosted by Maine Municipal Association and regional public service partners.

These forums provide an invaluable opportunity for public servants and legislative candidates to learn about the tools and resources currently available, and the ability to offer their own to help solve real problems facing their communities. MMA and their regional planning and council of government partners hope the forums will offer a chance to exchange ideas, hear local concerns, and develop strategies for addressing the most pressing issues in Maine’s cities and towns directly with individuals who will inform legislative efforts in the 132nd Legislature.

Elected and appointed local government employees and municipal volunteers, are strongly encouraged to attend and participate. The forums will offer a platform for open dialogue, fostering collaboration between candidates and local government leaders on solutions that directly impact their constituents.

To sign up for a forum near you, visit https://www.memun.org/Forms/Forum-for-Local-Government. Don’t miss this important chance to engage with others dedicated to strengthening Maine’s local communities!
