MaineDOT Seeking Feedback – Mileage-Based User Fee
Date Posted: Monday, July 22, 2024
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy
MaineDOT, in collaboration with the Eastern Transportation Coalition, has developed a Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) simulator that allows a person to learn how a mileage-based user fee works, and more specifically, the fiscal impacts on the user.
Maine’s network of roads and bridges is a critical social and economic lifeline for the people of our state. While ensuring that roads and bridges are adequately maintained is MaineDOT’s top priority, the State’s reliance on the fuel tax is becoming less sustainable as vehicles become more fuel efficient and electric cars become more prevalent. As a result, MaineDOT is researching sustainable alternatives to the fuel tax that will help fund our road and bridge system well into the future.
Enter the mileage-based user fee.
Recognizing the municipalities are vital partners in efforts to improve and maintain our aging transportation infrastructure, the department is seeking input from municipal decision makers across Maine. For that reason, we encourage you to share this invitation with municipal officials who would be willing to spend 10-15 minute to participate in a MBUF simulation experience and provide feedback via a survey.
Interested parties are asked to contact Andrew McLean at [email protected] for the information needed to participate in the simulator.