What's New at MMA

Newly Elected Members to the MMA Executive Committee

Newly Elected Members to the MMA Executive Committee

Date Posted: Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy

The Maine Municipal Association is pleased to formally announce the results of the annual election for the MMA Executive Committee for 2024. A total of 163 Voting Ballots were received. Leslie Giroux, Municipal Clerk for the Town of Solon, inspected each ballot and provided the official counts as follows:

Vice President: Melissa Doane, Town Manager, Town of Bradley (160 votes received)

EC Members: Shiloh LaFreniere, Town Manager, Town of Jay (160 votes received); Nathaniel Rudy, Town Manager, Town of Gray (160 votes received); Dina Walker, Selectperson, Town of Weld (160 votes received)

Click here to view a full list of MMA Executive Committee officers and members effective January 1, 2024.

Please join us in offering congratulations and appreciation to the newly elected Vice President and members of the MMA Executive Committee. If you have any questions on the MMA nomination and election process, please do not hesitate to contact MMA Executive Director Cathy Conlow at 1-800-452- 8786 or by e-mail at [email protected]). 


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