What's New at MMA

Forum for Local Government coming to a region near you this Fall!

Forum for Local Government coming to a region near you this Fall!

Date Posted: Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy

The Forum for Local Government will be coming to a region near you this Fall!

MMA with our regional service to local government partners will be hosting several evenings focused on strengthening the relationship between local and state government in Maine. The events, held in communities around Maine, will bring together municipal officials and candidates for the Maine State Legislature to discuss critical issues, learn about municipal services, share challenges, and explore opportunities for collaboration. The forum is an opportunity for candidates and new officials to get to know local government, services that are available through regional partners, and contribute to meaningful discussions that will shape the future of our communities.

The first of the Forum for Local Government series has been scheduled for the Sagadahoc, Knox, Waldo and Lincoln counties.  Local government officials, and candidates for the state legislature in the region may sign up to participate here.

As the forums are scheduled, municipal and county officials will be notified, and the registration page will be updated. Tentative future dates in progress include October 15 & 17 in the AVCOG region, October 7 & 8 in Aroostook County.
