Join us for "MMA For A Day" in Machias on Thursday, November 21
Date Posted: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy, Training & Educational Services
When? Thursday, November 21, 4-7:30 pm
Please note: The full agenda is available below, and members are invited to drop in for any part of the program you’d like! Attendance for the whole 4-7:30 period is not required.
Where? Reynolds Center at the University of Maine at Machias, 116 O’Brien Ave, Machias, Maine
Who? ALL member employees and elected officials are warmly invited to attend this complimentary event
What's in store? Our "MMA For A Day" event brings the staff and services of the Maine Municipal Association right to your doorstep! This is your opportunity to mingle with fellow member municipalities, gain invaluable insights into MMA initiatives and programs, engage directly with our dedicated leaders and staff to address your needs and concerns, and stay up to date on training and professional development!
Event Highlights:
4:00 – 5:30 PM: Connect with MMA Services – drop in as you’re able!
Drop in at your convenience to engage with MMA experts from various service departments. Whether you're curious about Legal Services, Advocacy & Communications, Education & Training, Risk Management, Health Trust Services, or Personnel & Labor Relations Services, we've got you covered!
5:00 PM: Networking Dinner (RSVPs required)
Enjoy a light dinner as you network with peers and MMA staff. RSVP by Tuesday, November 12 if you plan to join us for dinner so that we can have an accurate meal count.
5:30 – 6:30 PM: MMA Town Hall Meeting
Members of MMA’s leadership team will provide updates on initiatives and programs, and staff will share information about an important new initiative called ServeStrong, a web-based platform designed to ensure Maine’s first responders have access to trauma-based mental health resources and support. Additionally, there will be the chance to share your insights and concerns with MMA leadership and staff—they're here to listen and support you!
6:30 – 7:30 PM: Maine Freedom of Access Act and Right to Know Training
Learn from MMA legal services staff who will facilitate the training, which is required for many municipal officials and employees on a regular basis. Even if not required, many elected officials and employees benefit from this training which provides an overview of the FOAA, including open meeting requirements, why FOAA requests are filed, and how to handle them. Participants will receive a certificate documenting their completion of this training at the conclusion. For a full description of who is required to complete this training and when, please review this FAQ on the State of Maine website:
Don't miss this unique opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with MMA! We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration through Ebusiness for this event is now closed. You are most welcome to join us at the event! For further information please email [email protected]