What's New at MMA

Spring Stream Smart Workshops

Spring Stream Smart Workshops

Date Posted: Monday, March 3, 2025
Posted In: Communications & Advocacy

Working in partnership with the Waldo County Soil & Water Conservation District and the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District, Maine Audubon will be holding 2 introductory Stream Smart workshops this spring at the following dates and locations and we hope that you will help us spread the word:

  • March 26th at the Thorndike Town Hall in Waldo County
  • April 29th at the Thomaston Municipal Building in Knox County

These workshops will be helpful to all professionals who are responsible for road-stream crossings-including contractors, road commissioners, public works departments, conservation commissions, engineers, planners, land trusts, watershed groups, and private landowners. Participants in these workshops can also receive recertification credit for the Maine DEP Voluntary Contractor Certification Program, continuing education credits through the Society of American Foresters, and professional development hours for professional engineers.

Please share this announcement and the link to Stream Smart Workshops page, which includes registration information, with appropriate staff, post the flyers on your webpages if appropriate, and share with any additional contacts you may have. We appreciate your help in spreading the word on this workshop, and we look forward to seeing you or your staff at this or a future Stream-Smart workshop!

Registration information can be found on the Stream Smart workshops page.  Please direct any questions to Sarah Haggerty at [email protected],(207) 781-2330 x225.


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