Citizen Education

An ongoing, effective citizen education program is inherent to the mission of the Maine Municipal Association and is one of the best ways the organization can serve as an advocate for local governments in Maine.

While citizen participation is vital to democracy, it is not enough to simply invite participation. It is necessary to first educate citizens to provide them with the ability to understand the structure, workings and benefits of local government, and to help them realize their role in local government.

Perhaps most important, as we educate, we must also create a sense of ownership. Citizens must recognize that their local government is an extension of themselves.

Through education efforts such as the one you’re currently viewing online – and others – citizens are both empowered to participate, and enabled to do so in a way that is constructive.

Some municipal leaders have asked MMA to provide a “tool kit” that they can use when citizens ask fundamental questions about municipal government. We are beginning to do so.

Maine Municipal Literacy Project

Click here for details

Douglas M. Eugley Scholarship for Public Service

Click here for details

Middle School Essay Contest

For 7th Grade students around the state, this contest asks students to demonstrate their understanding of municipal government by writing an essay entitled "If I Led My Community. . .".   

Click here for details

Maine Local Government Poster:


To get a full sized poster, contact MMA's Advocacy & Communications staff in the Resource Center at: 1-800-452-8786 or email [email protected]