Workshops & Training

Cannabis Resources Provided by MMA Legal Services

Training for: Legal Notes

We want to be sure our readers know that MMA Legal Services provides a wealth of information and guidance for municipal officials concerning cannabis laws and municipal regulatory authority. These resources include:

• Information packets on both adult use and medical cannabis;

• A video guide explaining “opt-in” requirements for cannabis establishments;

• A “Cheat Sheet” summarizing key aspects of cannabis and hemp statutes;

• A flow chart addressing authorized medical caregiver activity;

• Sample warrant articles allowing municipalities to opt-in to allow cannabis establishments;

• Links to cannabis ordinances adopted by opt-in municipalities;

• A sample “Home Cultivation Ordinance” to regulate personal cultivation of adult use cannabis;

• Recordings of MMA cannabis update webinars; and

• Attorneys available to advise members with specific cannabis questions via phone or email.

Our resources are updated regularly to reflect changes to Maine cannabis laws impacting municipalities.

On that note, readers may be interested in two recent amendments to Maine’s adult use cannabis law. The first, P.L. 2021 c. 667, authorizes adult use retail stores to provide cannabis delivery services to customers, including customers located in municipalities that have not opted-in to allow adult use cannabis establishments.

The second, P.L. 2021 c. 735, allows adult use stores to apply to the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy for an “off-premises” license to sell cannabis at a specified event, provided the municipal legislative body (town meeting or town/city council) of the municipality where the event will be held has previously voted to allow it.

Learn more about these and other updates to Maine’s cannabis laws in our cannabis legal resources.

See the “members’ area” of MMA’s website ( or contact Legal Services (800-452-8786 or for more information. (R.E.M.).

We want to be sure our readers know that MMA Legal Services provides a wealth of information and guidance for municipal officials concerning cannabis laws and municipal regulatory authority. These resources include:

• Information packets on both adult use and medical cannabis;

• A video guide explaining “opt-in” requirements for cannabis establishments;

• A “Cheat Sheet” summarizing key aspects of cannabis and hemp statutes;

• A flow chart addressing authorized medical caregiver activity;

• Sample warrant articles allowing municipalities to opt-in to allow cannabis establishments;

• Links to cannabis ordinances adopted by opt-in municipalities;

• A sample “Home Cultivation Ordinance” to regulate personal cultivation of adult use cannabis;

• Recordings of MMA cannabis update webinars; and

• Attorneys available to advise members with specific cannabis questions via phone or email.

Our resources are updated regularly to reflect changes to Maine cannabis laws impacting municipalities.

On that note, readers may be interested in two recent amendments to Maine’s adult use cannabis law. The first, P.L. 2021 c. 667, authorizes adult use retail stores to provide cannabis delivery services to customers, including customers located in municipalities that have not opted-in to allow adult use cannabis establishments.

The second, P.L. 2021 c. 735, allows adult use stores to apply to the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy for an “off-premises” license to sell cannabis at a specified event, provided the municipal legislative body (town meeting or town/city council) of the municipality where the event will be held has previously voted to allow it.

Learn more about these and other updates to Maine’s cannabis laws in our cannabis legal resources.

See the “members’ area” of MMA’s website ( or contact Legal Services (800-452-8786 or for more information. (R.E.M.).

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Phone: 1-800-452-8786

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