Workshops & Training

MACA’s 2025 Professional Development Training - Remote Access - Live Webinar via ZOOM

Sponsored by: Maine Animal Control Association
Date: 4/11/2025 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Remote Access - Live Webinar via ZOOM
Time: Workshop: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Presenter(s): Various
Cost: $75 Members; $100 Non-Members

Training for: Animal Control, MACA

About this Workshop:
This MACA training counts towards 8 continuing education hours.


8:00 AM - Webinar Opens

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Wildlife Conflicts & Avian Flu Response
Presenters: Lauren McPherson, Wildlife Promotional Coordinator, IFW Warden Service & Tegwin Taylor, Wildlife Health Biologist, IFW Warden Service

9:30 - 10:30 AM - Ordinances
Presenters: Mark Squires, Asst. District Attorney York/Wells Police Dept. & Capt. Kevin Chabot, Ed,D, Wells Police Dept.

10:30-1045 AM - Break

10:45 - 11:45 AM - Legal Considerations
Presenters: Mark Squires, Asst. District Attorney York/Wells Police Dept. & Capt. Kevin Chabot, Ed,D, Wells Police Dept.

11:45 – 1245 PM - Working Lunch - Roundtable Discussions-Region Specific Topics & Issues 12:45- 1:45 PM - 1st Responder Wellness
Presenter: Jason Mills, Master of Clinical Health -Founder/CEO The Resilient Responder

1:45- 2:45 PM - Court Summons/Reports- Common Oversites
Presenter: TBD

2:45- 3:00 - Break

3:00- 5:00 PM - Lost Dog Responses
Maine Lost Dog Recovery Website & Working with local Shelters
Presenter: TBD

(The course fee for in-person attendees includes continental breakfast, coffee, lunch, and workshop materials. In person attendees will also be able to participate in a door prize raffle! The course fee for remote attendees includes workshop materials.)


Confirmation: Remote registrants will receive their Zoom link and meeting details directly from MMA Zoom no later than 24 hours in advance. An official workshop confirmation from MMA will follow with further instructions and access to meeting materials. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have not received your link the day prior to the training.

Please reach out to [email protected] with registration or membership questions.

All other questions can be sent to [email protected].

Cancellation: Cancellations must be submitted using this Cancellation form to cancel your registration for an event. Cancellations received before April 4, 2025 will be assessed a $15 administrative fee for processing. Registration changes (switching from in-person to virtual or vice versa) will be assessed a

$15 administrative fee for processing. Cancellations received on/after April 4, 2025 will be charged 50% of the course fee. Any registrant who does not attend and does not cancel their registration (i.e., no-show) and any cancellation received the day of the event will be charged the full registration fee. If you have any questions, please contact the Educational Services Office at (800) 452-8786 or (207) 623-8428.

Certificate: Remote participants must be logged in for the full day to receive a certificate of attendance for the 8 credit hours. Certificates will be sent via email up to one week following the class.

ADA Message: In order to ensure your complete participation, we would appreciate your informing us of any special requirements you need in advance.

Click Here To Register
