Workshops & Training

MBOIA's Spring Code Conference

Sponsored by: Maine Building Officials and Inspectors Association, co-sponsored by the Maine Fire Chiefs Association
Date: 5/19/2025 8:00 AM - 5/20/2025 4:00 PM
Location: Sugarloaf Mountain Resort, 5092 Sugarloaf Access Rd. Carrabassett Valley, Me. 04947
Time: Varies – See Agenda
Presenter(s): Various

Training for: Code Enforcement, Manager, Public Safety, MBOIA, MFCA

One Day Conference Registration (5/19 OR 5/20)
MBOIA/MFCA/NEBOA Member: $200.00, Non-Member: $240.00

Full Conference Registration (5/19 & 5/20)
MBOIA/MFCA/NEBOA Member: $270.00, Non-Member: $320.00

Guest Registration: (5/19 & 5/20)
$117 (Includes Breakfast & Lunch Meals, Meet & Greet Drink Ticket)

Free – No meals included

Attendee Registration includes seminar fee, materials, breakfast, lunch & meet & greet drink ticket. Registration deadline is May 11, 2025.

Guest registration includes Breakfast & Lunch Meals and a Meet & Greet Drink Ticket. Guests not requiring meals are complimentary. If your guest plans on attending any sessions, please register them as an attendee.

Additional Information: Attendee Packet | Exhibitor Packet


Agenda: Monday, May 19, 2025

8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Registration – Coffee, Continental & Hot Breakfast in Vendor Area (Maple/King Pine Room)

8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks: Ben McDougal, MBOIA President

(King Pine Room)

9:00 - Noon: Concurrent Sessions

Common Inspection Errors/Venting & Drainpipe Sizing (King Pine Room)
Presenter: Peter Defreitas, Director of New England Training & Education, IAPMO

IEBC for Fire Safety Systems (Competition Center)
Presenter: Rob Neale, Owner, Integra Code Consultants

MDOT Relationships with Municipalities, ROW's & Highway Openings (Widow Maker)
Presenter: Regina Caldwell, Field Investigator, Legal Services Division, Maine DOT

10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Break/Visit the Vendors (Maple Room)

Noon - 1:00 p.m. Luncheon/Vendor Showcase

1:00 – 4:00 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions

Subdivision Law & Legal Updates (King Pine Room)
Presenter: Leah Rachin, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum

NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems (Competition Center)
Presenter: Sam Rokowski, Eastern Regional Electrical Specialist, NFPA

Mechanical Code – IRC (Widow Maker)
Presenter: Gary Gauthier, Director, Technical Resources PMG, International Code Council

2:15 - 2:45 p.m. Break/Visit the Vendors (Maple Room)

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Meet & Greet with the Vendors / Door Prizes (Maple Room)


Agenda: Tuesday, May 20, 2025

8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Registration – Coffee, Continental & Hot Breakfast in Vendor Area (Maple/King Pine Room)

8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks: Ben McDougal, MBOIA President (King Pine Room)

9:00 - Noon: Concurrent Sessions

Battery Storage & ESS (King Pine Room)
Presenter: Sam Rokowski, Eastern Regional Electrical Specialist, NFPA

Fire Apparatus Access & Water Supplies Plan (Competition Center)
Presenter: Rob Neale, Owner, Integra Code Consultants

Land Use Planning, Site Plan Review & How to write an Ordinance (Widow Maker)
Presenters: Ben Smith, Founder & Principal & Kate Burch, Senior Planner - NorthStar Planning

10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Break/Visit the Vendors (Maple Room)

Noon - 1:00 p.m. Luncheon/Vendor Showcase

1:00 – 4:00 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions

PV Solar Systems & EV Charging Stations (King Pine Room)
Presenter: Brian Valle, Owner, B. Valle Electric

Erosion & Sedimentation Control/NRPA & DEP (Competition Center)
Presenters: John Maclaine, Non-Point Source Training Center Coordinator & Alison Sirois, Southern Maine Regional Licensing Manager, Bureau of Land Resources - Maine DEP

NFPA 241 Construction Site Safety Training (Widow Maker)
Presenter: Marc Veilleux, Public Safety Inspector III, Office of the State Fire Marshal

2:15 - 2:45 p.m. Break/Raffle Drawing/Visit the Vendors (King Pine Room) *Must be present to win*

4:00 p.m. Adjourn


Additional Information: Attendee Packet | Exhibitor Packet


CANCELLATIONS: Notification must be given in writing at least 7 days (5/12/25) before the session begins to obtain a refund (minus a $25.00 processing fee). All cancellations are subject to a $25.00 administrative fee for processing. Please go to to cancel. No refunds & full fee assessed after May 12, 2025.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: You must be present for FULL WORKSHOP/SESSION in order to receive credit hours. You will receive a certificate at the end of each session.

INQUIRIES: Please email [email protected]

for any registration or membership related questions.

For logistical or agenda specific questions, please email [email protected]

or call the Educational Services Office at: 207-623-8428 or 1-800-452-8786.

ACCOMMODATIONS: To ensure your complete participation, we would appreciate your informing us of any special requirements you may have due to disability.

Please contact Sugarloaf directly to reserve your overnight accommodation at (866) 865-1019 and be sure to refer to the Maine Building & Inspectors Association 2025 Conference to receive the group rate. Please review the Hotels reservation policies in the attendee packet.


DEADLINE April 18th, 2025


Hotel Alcove/Standard $135.00 per night ++
Hotel Superior/Queen bed $145.00 per night ++
Hotel Superior/2 Queen $175.00 per night ++
Hotel/One bedroom suite $315.00 per night ++
Hotel/Two bedroom suite $779.00 per night ++



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