Workshops & Training

MTCMA’s 78th New England Management Institute

Date(s): 8/14/2024 - 8/16/2024
Location: The Jordan Hotel, Sunday River
Cost: Conference fees and times vary, please see agenda below.

Training for: Clerk, Human Resources, Manager, MTCMA

Wednesday, August 14th:

9 -10:00 a.m.: Breakfast Buffet, Conference Registration, Networking, & Visit with Sponsors

10 – 10:30 a.m.: Conference Welcome/Introductions

10:30 – 11:45 a.m.: Keynote – “The Secret Sauce: Thriving in Times of Change”  
Presenter: Meg Soper, Inspirational Speaker

The challenges faced by municipal organizations, their staff and those working on the frontlines of the public service in the past four years have been beyond disruptive. The good news is that despite all the challenges tossed our way, we have managed to come through - so congratulations and well done! But the fact is that we need to re-set, gear up and get ready for the challenges that lie ahead. How we are impacted and how we respond in the face of stress and uncertainty is unique to each of us. But one thing is certain: Now - more than ever - we need a reason to laugh! This presentation will celebrate the diligent efforts of Maine’s town, city, and county managers during a period of disruption; and set the stage for the future by sharing Meg’s ideas on how to bolster our resilience and sense of balance so we can be at our best even when pushed to our limits – all delivered with her trademark humor. Using experiences from her career as an O.R. nurse, and as a thought leader on mindfulness and resilience, Meg shares perspectives on finding balance even in the face of accelerating change. This highly interactive presentation will entertain, inspire, and leave team members with practical ideas and perspectives on how we can adapt and thrive no matter what challenges arise! (1.0 MTCMA Leadership credits)


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Phone: 1-800-452-8786

If pre-registration for a workshop is closed, we will be accepting door registrations on a first come/first served basis. To cancel an existing registration click here.

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