Workshops & Training

MWDA’s 2025 Spring Training Seminar

Sponsored by: Maine Welfare Directors Association
Date: 4/28/2025 - 4/29/2025
Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 250 Haskell Road, Bangor, ME 04401
Time: Day 1: 8:00am - 4:00pm | Day 2: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Presenter(s): Various, see Agenda
Cost: MWDA Members – Full Conference: $110 | Non-Members – Full Conference: $160.00 | MWDA Members – One Day: $60.00| Non-Members – One Day: $95.00 | Guests – Full Conference: $70 | Registration fees include seminar materials and some meals

Training for: General Assistance, MWDA

The deadline for pre-registration is April 18, 2025.




Day 1 - Monday, April 28, 2025

8:00 -- 9:00 Breakfast and Registration

9:00 -- 9:15 Introductions Ryan Gorneau, MWDA President, Assistant Director of Social Services, City of Portland Social Services

9:15 -- 9:45 Legislative Update Amanda Campbell, Legislative Advocate, Advocacy & Communications, Maine Municipal Association

9:45 -- 10:15 DHHS Update Sara Denson, GA Program Manager, DHHS State of Maine

10:15 -- 10:30 Break

10:30 -- 12:00 Evictions– Erica Veazey, Managing Attorney, Pine Tree Legal Assistance

12:00 -- 12:45 Lunch

12:45 -- 1:45 Human Trafficking Identification & Response - Keri Kapaldo, SAFE Program Coordinator, St. Joseph Healthcare, and the Penquis START (Sex & Labor Trafficking Action Response Team)

1:45 -- 2:45 Immigration & Maine's Human Trafficking Task Force– Andrew Lorello, Investigative Specialist, Isaac Oransky, Special Agent, and Elisabeth Orion, Investigative Specialist, U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Service

2:45 -- 3:00 Break

3:00 -- 4:00 Immigration & Eligibility – MWDA Board Members

4:00 Adjourn

5:30 Join the MWDA board for dinner at Kobe Steakhouse


Day 2 - Tuesday, April 29, 2025

8:30 -- 9:00 Breakfast & Registration

9:00 -- 9:15 Introductions - Ryan Gorneau, MWDA President, Assistant Director of Social Services, City of Portland Social Services

9:15 -- 10:15 Worlds Colliding and Collaborating: Law Enforcement, Mental Health, and SUD - Officer Liz Ashe, Bangor Police Department, Ashley Roberts, OPTIONS Liaison, Community Health & Counseling Services, and Pat Kealy, Recovery Coach, Together Place

10:15 -- 10:30 Break

10:30 -- 11:30 Addiction Recovery - Municipality Responsibility Scenarios - Sara Denson, GA Program Manager, DHHS State of Maine

11:30 -- 12:00 GA Trivia Biz - Stacey Parra, Deputy GA Administrator, Town of Union

12:00 -- 12:45 Lunch

12:45 -- 1:15 Annual Meeting & Elections

1:15 -- 2:15: MWDA Director of the Year Award & MWDA Training Discussion

2:15 -- 3:00 Roundtable Wrap-Up - MWDA Board Members

3:00 Adjourn


Overnight Accommodations - Hilton Garden Inn - 250 Haskell Rd., Bangor, ME 04401

The Hilton Garden Inn has special overnight rates for this seminar. You are welcome to stay any or all nights. To make your reservation, please call 207-262-0099 and mention the “MWDA” or “Maine Welfare Directors Association” and group code "MWDA4”.

Room Rates: Double Queens - $149/night + Tax, Kings - $159/night + Tax

Method of Reservation: Reservations must be guaranteed by credit card. Reservations are automatically billed for one night unless cancelled by 3 PM the day of arrival.

Room Cancellations: Reservations may be cancelled up to 3 days prior to the arrival without penalty.

Tax Exemption: Tax exemption will be accepted with proper documentation and payment in the form of a check from the government agency. Any member paying directly with cash, personal check, or credit card will not be eligible for tax exemption status. If tax exempt, enclose a copy of the municipality’s tax exempt number. This must be accompanied by a city/town check.

CUT-OFF DATE: All reservations need to be made by April 13, 2025 to get the discounted rate.


QUESTIONS/CANCELLATIONS: Cancellation notification must be given in writing at least 7 business days before the session begins. Any cancellation received within that 7-day window will be charged the full registration fee. All cancellations are subject to a $15 administrative fee for processing. Please go to to cancel. Registration questions can be sent to [email protected]. All other inquires can be sent to [email protected].


ADA Message: To ensure your complete participation, please email [email protected] if you have any special accommodations.


Scholarships: There will be four scholarships available for members. Scholarships will include all or a portion of the meal, room and registration. No travel expenses will be covered.


There will be a 50/50 Raffle both days! Be sure to bring a checkbook/cash!


SAVE NOW! Join MWDA and save. Go to for a membership application form and benefit by becoming a member. (Membership is $30.00)


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