Workshops & Training

Televising Board Meetings

Training for: Legal Notes

Question: Our community television station has begun televising our board meetings, but some board members are uncomfortable with this and feel intimidated. Can we prohibit it?

Answer: No. Maine’s Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) or “Right to Know” law explicitly entitles any member of the public to make audio or video recordings of, or to live broadcast, all public proceedings, provided that doing so does not interfere with the orderly conduct of the meeting (see 1 M.R.S. §404). Discomfort with being on camera does not constitute interference with the orderly conduct of the meeting. However, a board may adopt reasonable rules governing recording or televising (such as designating a place for setting up equipment) as long as the rules do not defeat the public’s right to record or televise the proceedings.

Televising local board meetings, typically via community television, is in fact a common and longstanding practice in many of Maine’s towns and cities. It’s an excellent way to inform and engage the citizenry in municipal business and, in our view, should be encouraged. Officials who are uncomfortable on camera simply need to get over it – publicity comes with the job. (By R.P.F.) 

Question: Our community television station has begun televising our board meetings, but some board members are uncomfortable with this and feel intimidated. Can we prohibit it?

Answer: No. Maine’s Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) or “Right to Know” law explicitly entitles any member of the public to make audio or video recordings of, or to live broadcast, all public proceedings, provided that doing so does not interfere with the orderly conduct of the meeting (see 1 M.R.S. §404). Discomfort with being on camera does not constitute interference with the orderly conduct of the meeting. However, a board may adopt reasonable rules governing recording or televising (such as designating a place for setting up equipment) as long as the rules do not defeat the public’s right to record or televise the proceedings.

Televising local board meetings, typically via community television, is in fact a common and longstanding practice in many of Maine’s towns and cities. It’s an excellent way to inform and engage the citizenry in municipal business and, in our view, should be encouraged. Officials who are uncomfortable on camera simply need to get over it – publicity comes with the job. (By R.P.F.) 

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